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Two young citizens, one male and one female, knocked on the door. They were greeted back with a "Come on in." from a Scottish Professor who resided in the laboratory, peering through stacks of paperwork and doing a ton of work on the anomalies. Of course, the male held open the door for the female. That was his nature; helping others.

"Thank you, Connor." Abby, the female, replied. She took off her aviators and rested them on the top of her head so that they were out of the way.

Nick Cutter, the Professor mentioned earlier, peered up. He found Connor and Abby stood in front of the white, frail desk as they looked down upon him. The Professor chirped. "What can I help you with, Conby?"

Ah yes, what had started as a joke was now a fully fledged name. Whenever Abby and Connor were together, they were always called 'Conby' (Get the reference?). It was Lester who originally started it when he made a pun about Connor and Abby.

"We just thought to check up on our favourite Professor, you know?" Connor explained in his normal, chirpy manner. The Professor softly came back with an "Aww, how sweet!"

Nick held a small device in his left hand. Abby was quick to notice this. She pursed her lips thoughtfully, gazing at the device as Nick moved it about. His hand hit the book shelf above his head when he was stretching for a second.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed. The duo turned to the book case, and Abby quickly yelled. "Watch out!"

One side of the bookcase fell down, nearly smacking the professor on the head a second time. Abby and Connor jumped onto the table, stopping the bookcase millimetres shy of Nick's head. Their fingers were latched on tightly underneath as they lifted it up. By this point, Nick had turned around. As Conby lifted it up, he hopped up. He inspected the hinge which had caused the bookcase to fall.

"This thing has snapped." He muttered. He let out a quiet sigh, turning to Conby. "Thank you, Conby."

They gave him a short smile in return. "It's our pleasure." Connor replied. "You're the best leader of the team."

Nick grinned widely, however it was short lived as his thoughts shifted to someone. It was noticeable to Conby, and curious, brought the topic up. "What's wrong?"

"I need to go and visit her at some point." He whispered, in an unusually quiet manner. His lips formed a frown. "I miss her."

Abby softened her brows a little, letting out a sharp sigh. "I do not like it but it is not my call to judge; she's your wife after all. Still, doesn't change the fact she... did all those horrible things. Either way, maybe now is a good time to face her."  

Connor frowned and kept quiet. He understood why Nick was doing this, but it didn't exactly thrill him. He never liked 'her', even when she wasn't a problem for the newly formed squad of Abby Maitland, himself, Stephen Hart, Nick Cutter, James Lester and perhaps some mystery woman called Claudia Brown.

"Well," Nick started, looking down at his brown shoes. "I'm going to go and see her."

Connor felt something bizarre; something just wasn't setting right in his mind. With a spark of curiosity, he said something that surprised both Nick and Abby. "I'm coming with you."

Nick spun his head around to Connor, giving him a slightly shocked look. Abby didn't really know what to say; she hadn't expected the response either. Nick muttered quietly. "Alright then."

Whilst Connor was running around grabbing things for the trip, Abby spoke to Nick. "Just be careful, okay? Please look after him; he's my precious little boyfriend."

Nick chuckled a little. "Of course I will!" He grabbed his coat off of the hook, putting the dark green trench coat on. He fetched the keys to the van, sliding them into the trench coat he was now wearing.

Abby gave an uncertain smile. Nobody could blame her for being anxious about something like this.

The two men headed out the door.


Tree by tree, hour by hour. It felt like they were getting nowhere.

Connor let out a sigh, turning his head to Nick who was focusing on driving in the shit weather. It was pouring with rain, the road was nearly flooded and it was near midnight by this point. Nick survived on a canister of coffee (containing caffeine) which Connor happily used to make him a cup of coffee, as they had a flask of hot water. Sure, it wasn't as nice as having a proper cup of coffee with milk, sugar and maybe a dollop of cream? (Nick wasn't american, he just liked adding all three) Either way, Nick still missed it, even only after a couple of hours.

As they continued driving, Nick was rapidly getting more and more tired. The cup of coffee was in the cup holster which was in the front of the van, however it seemed to be taking forever to cool. Meanwhile, the exhaustion was beginning to affect Nick and Connor was getting increasingly worried.

"You know, maybe you should pull over and get some sleep." Connor suggested, his eyes fixed on the professor's bags which were worse than last time he checked.

"No can do. We've got to get there on time!" Nick replied, forcing a smile to try and lighten Connor up plus put him at ease.

"What do you mean 'we've got to get there on time'?! It's..." Connor glanced at his watch. "... past midnight!"

Nick didn't say a word after that, and all was going fine until.

- THUD -

They had hit something.

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