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I woke Mandy up at 6:00. It took her a while to get up. She stretched and glared at me, trying to decide what i wanted.
" daddyyy whyyy didd you wake me up? " she whined.
"Because its time to eat. Now get up and go wash your hand."
I watched as Mandy launched out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
I was trying my hardest to keep myself busy. I didnt wanna feel anything. I cleaned Mandy's Room and met her in the kitchen.

"daddy whats for dinner ?"
"I made your favorite, Spaghetti and meatballs ."
"Yay ! "
She sat at the table and waited for me to fix her plate. I fixed our plates and we ate in slience.
I couldn't concentrate on my daughter. I was too consumed at where to go from here. I wanted nothing more than to be Shay's man but i understood that i pushed her away. Then there was Mimi, i hurt her and i never meant to do that. I shrugged the thought away and smiled at my beautiful daughter.
She was growing to become a beautiful girl. I stared at her big brown eyes that reminded me so much of her mother.
"Daddy stop starring at me its rude!"
I laughed.
" sorry baby , you wanna rent some movies and have some popcorn?"
" yay !! Popcorn! Oooo DADDY !!!can we pop it on the stove. DADDY we can watch Frozen ! "
"Yeah baby , go in the living room and ill get the popcorn started."
She walked in the room and i started the popcorn."
After about hour and so of singing Mandy was out like a log. I picked her up and put her in the bed. I kissed her forehead and went to my room. I checked the clock it was almost 9:30 pm.

It was time to call and check on Shay. It was bitter sweet but i wanted her and my son to know i will be there no matter what.
I dialed her number . The phone didnt ring it was like it was off the hook. That worried me. Shay always kept her phone on after her grandmother died . She missed seeing her last breath because her phone was cut off.
I tired again and it was the same thing . My panic started to set in. I had a bad feeling about this . I decided to call Rachel . She answered on the first ring.

" i was just about to call you!" She said out of breath
" Why...w...What happened?"
"Calm down Rell , Shay's phone is off the hook and i think she just sleep bu- ...im ...Im ..just a worry wart . Im sure everything fine."
"I dont know Rachel...i have a really bad feeling about this! Shay always answers the phone."
" yeah ...im on the way home i could drop by her house."
" im closer, ill check on her. " i said half way out the door.
I ran to my car and forgot that Mandy was in the house alone! SHIT ! I tired to call Marcus but his phone went straight to voicemail. I tired Keisha phone it was the same result. I had no choice i dialed Rachel's number.
" you there already"
" no ... I need a favor Rach !"
" anything ?"
" could you watch Mandy for me ..i dont wanna leave her alone."
" yeah im like 10 mins away from your neighborhood. "
" okay, thank you so much ! Im on the way to Shays!"
" okay keep me posted ."

I raced to my car and drove like a mad man . I was going 80 in a 40 . I couldn't lose my Shay . I couldnt take that pain over again. She is my everything and the thought of something happening to her made my heart stop. I ran red lights and almost got hit but i swerved and sped up! I reached Shay's house in record time.

I got out and ran to the door . It was locked . I knocked on the door and yelled her name. There was nothing but slience. I tried to walk around to get a view of inside the house but curtains blocked my view. I went around to the kitchen window and tired to peak past the curtains. I crouched down and my eyes watered and before i knew it i was breaking the glass window. There was so much blood everywhere. My heart sunk . I raced in the window and there was a bloody figure that i prayed it wasnt Shay. I got closer and almost lost my all my contents in my stomach. Keisha laid there her body was covered with blood. Her face was hardly recognizable. She was beaten. Tears raced to my eyes. I bend down and grabbed her limp body . I hugged it to my own, not caring about the blood staining my clothes. I checked her pulse . It was there , barely. I picked up my phone and called 9-1-1. I prayed they got here quickly.

Questions attacked me . Why was she here ? Where the hell was Shay ? My heart sunk in the mere thought of Shay. I gently placed Keisha down. I look down and found a streak of blood leading to the living room. My fear took control of me and i couldn't move. I couldn't see Shay like Keisha. My heart wouldn't allow it . She's okay . She's okay . I encouraged myself. I walk slowly into the living room to see Shay by the door. I dropped to my knees. Her face was beaten badly and it looked like one of her arms was broken. She was bleeding so much . I prayed god didnt take her away from me. I crawled over to her . I picked up her body. I checked her pulse. She was alive . I said a silent prayer of thanks. " your okay baby! Your gonna be okay . " i said crying silently and stroking her face. I called 9-1-1 and screamed for help. They told me that they were less that 5 mins away.
I kissed Shay on all her bruises. "I love you Shay , okay ...dont die on me .we g...got...alot of living to do baby, ...at lot of kids to be make. Baby , please dont die i wanna marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. " i fixed her hair and laid her head on my lap.
I looked down at her belly and placed my hand on it. She filched and i prayed my baby was okay. My eyes darted to her dress that was filled with blood. Tears invaded my eyes and i couldnt stop the pain i was feeling. I wanted to trade places. I wished that it was me struggling to live and not them.
Shay trembled .
I heard a sires outside.
"Listen baby ! You and lil man is going to be okay. " i kissed her lips and gently placed her on the floor. I went outside and directed the ambulance. They rushed in and i told them where Keisha was. They took her first cause she was in critical condition . She had 3 gun shot wounds to her upper abdomen. Then it was Shay's turn. I watched them load both of the ladies in the the amablance.

"Are you coming sir ?"
I shook my head , thinking how i was gonna tell Marcus. I hopped in the ambulance and dialed Marcus number. It went straight to voicemail. I tired to get control of my voice.

Marcus! Please call me its ...its Keisha ! Man her and Shay are hurt bad! I dont know if Shay's gonna keep the baby. Keisha has been shot ! We heading to the hospital ...Mann call me ,Please !

I hung up the phone and took Shay's hand . Squeezing it gently. God i love this woman ! I cried to myself and hope that i would get to tell her that.

Sorry guys i was supposed to post yesterday but i had writers block like a mug . I will update 3 more chapters tonight OR tomorrow and ill be done with my first book! Well tell me what yall think ?

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