Late Night Snack

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Warning: Yaoi ahead! We llegar know we need it cx

~Ciel's P.O.V.~

About 2 months passed since my encounter with the banshee in the woods. I completely recovered and have been avoiding Elizabeth to be with Sebastian. I honestly could care less if she finds out about us. It would make things so much easier for both Sebastian and I. I'm ready to tell her, but she won't let me talk.

"Sebby?" I was walking around the manor looking for him. Then I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"You called, Kitten?"

"Yes, I want something sweet, in my study." I said and turned around so i could see him and he smirked. "Don't you dare tell me it's to close to dinner." I said, glaring at him.

"I'm afraid it you will have to wait."

I glared at him and dug into his pocket for his pocket watch to check the time but couldn't figure out how to open it. "Open it." I said, handing it to him.

He chuckled and opened it then handed it to me. 16:54 was it time.

"Damn." I said and closed it and put it back in his pocket.

"It seems you have a visitor, My Lord." He said before opening the door to let Elizabeth in.

"CIEEELL!" She yelled and strangled me with her hug.

"Elizabeth why didn't you inform me you were coming?" I asked, trying to breathe.

"Well, I should be able to see my fiance anytime I want." She smiled and let go the glared at me. "And how many times do I have to tell you, IT'S LIZZY!"

Lucky Sebastian saved me from another choke hold. "Dinner is ready if you would like to join, Lady Elizabeth."

"Of course!" She squeaked and walked to the dining room.


Again, Elizabeth would not let me speak, so I was unable to tell her about my love for Sebastian before she left. I sat in my study, finishing my paperwork, then staring off, in my own world thinking of my perfect butler.

"Ciel?" Sebastian stepped in without me knowing and I jumped.

"You startled me, and what is it?"

"I've came to retrieve you for bed." He said, holding the door open as I got up and walked out.

I sighed and sat on the bed, watching his fingers dress me and undress me. He seemed to notice and smirked before standing up and taking his leave.

I'm hungry.. I'll just go to the kitchen and get something.

I got off my bed and opened the door, hoping it wouldn't make its usual creaking noise so I wouldn't get caught, and it didn't. I sighed a sigh of reli and quietly walked down dark hall until I found the kitchen and climbed on the counter top to retrieve a jar of chocolate chip cookies and ate two before Sebastian came in.

Well, I failed.

Sebastian looked in my direction, the candle he held making his perfect features visible.

I could see his smirk while he walked over to me.

"My my, getting into some trouble are we?"

"Shut up, I'm just hungry." I retorted

He chuckled and picked me up, taking me back to my room.

"Those cookies were really sweet." I said, wanting more.

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