Chaptet Eighteen

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My heart broke when I heard her politely turn down my invitation. The dinner was amzing and hearing her say she loved me back was just even more amzing. I didn't know what to tell her because I knew she wasn't ready to tell me why she didn't want to come with me.

"It's getting late, I think we should get going" I saw her try to speak in protest of what I had just said but she immediately stopped and just stood up. We quietly walked to the car and I pulled the car door open so thar she could get in. I drove her to her house in silence as I thought about the entire night.

When I got to my house I dropped the car keys on the kitchen counter and headed upstairs to take a quick shower. Not thinking about what had just happened seemed to be impossible. Maybe I was over reacting. I got out of the shower and picked up my phone. I debated on whether I should text her or not but I finally decided that I should give her time.


It had been three days now since Cindy and I last spoke. I had left her a few messages but I had no response. It hurt me know that I would be going alone but it hurt me the most to know that she was hurting and she didn't want to let me in. I had packed up my bags since it was a three days trip. George decided to stay a day behind because they were a few things he needed to work on at the company. My sister Grace was already home because well she lived there.

It took me three hours to get to the mansion and by the time I got there, I found some servants outside runing up and down organizing a few things. Timothy, the family Butler came to welcome me and took my laguage.
"Timothy, are my parents home?"
"No sir, they went to see the florist with miss Grace"
"Alright I'll be in my room and no one should disturb me"
"Alright sir" He gave a bow before execusing himself. I locked myself up in the room and just spent time praying.

I had spent an hour in my room just praying and I had turned off my phone so that no one would disturb. I felt a wave of peace surround the entire room as I prayed. I was reminded of a scripture from the book of Corinthians. Words that were spoken to the Apostle Paul when he was afflicted by the thorn in his flesh.

"2Cor.12.9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..."

I kept on praying for Cindy and seeking God for an answer. It was then that I clearly heard;
"Iam the way the truth and the life"
-John 14:6-
At that I stopped and knew exactly what Cindy needed. She needed to let Jesus in, she needed to let him handle her pain. She had built so many walls around her pain such that she locked her healing out. At this point all I had to do was to continue praying for her and let her know that Jesus wanted to get involved in her matter.

I walked out of the room after I was all done and I found Timothy in the hallway.
"I didn't want to disturb you sir, but your parents are back."
"Alright, thankyou"
I walked to the kitchen to meet them.

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