Chapter Twenty One

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Spending time at the Mansion with Frank and his family wasn't so bad after all. I could see how united and close they all were. His young sister was an angel, His father was really caring and the love both his parents shared was just so passionate. I loved every bit of it. I could see where Frank got his charm from. George had now joined in and he came with his lady friend Rosie. At first I thought I was going to have a lot to live up to when it came to his mother but I was wrong. She didn't not compare us in any way possible and it was a good thing.

Frank Had got me a very beautiful dress to wear for the party and I had purchased some Jewellery to go with it. Grace had helped me with getting my hair done. She styled it with some really nice hair products. She pinned it all so that it could fall on my left shoulder. I knew I always looked good but this look was to die for. Frank held my hand as I came down the stairs as we got into the ball room. I could see Frank's parents talking to some guests in the room and Grace stood not so far from them with a man that seemed to be around her age. From the way she laughed and smiled, I could tell he was someone special. George on the other hand seemed to be talking to some investors with Rosie by his side.

I had been avoiding a conversation with Frank's mother because she scared me a little. She seemed like the type of woman that wanted the best for her son well which was very normal and natural I guess. I just wasn't ready for any intense and intimidating questions. I saw her begin to head our direction with a smile glued to her face. I begun to shake a little and swallowed the lump that had formed on my throat. I think frank noticed that I became quite uncomfortable because he held my hand and looked at me with an assuring look.

"That dress is your colour my darling." She said as she reached where we were.
"Thankyou." I said as I tried to pull myself together
"Can I borrow her just for a bit son?"
"Of course, Frank stated as he let go of my hand and planted a kiss on my check.
"Don't keep her for too long."
His mother just smiled and took me by the hand.
"Come with me dear"

We walked to the kitchen and she closed the door behind us.
"You and I haven't really found time to talk so I figured we should do it now because frank told me that you would be leaving tomorrow in the afternoon. How are you?
"Am very fine ma'am"
"Just call me mum"
"Yes Mum"
"I can tell that my son really cares about you. I've seen the way he treats and respects you. I just could'nt help but wonder whether the feeling is mutual. Do you feel the same about him?"
I smiled before I could answer her question. Not so sure whether I would give the correct answer or not, so I decided to go for what I really felt.

"Frank is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He's a good man and he's really someone I look up to. I have fallen in love with him and waking up each day to that thought makes me the happiest woman."
I could see her intently look at me as I spoke and a little smile begun to crease her lips.
"Am glad to hear you say that my dear. I just want the best for my son and I hope you understand."
"Yes Mum I do"
"You know when Frank told me about you, he made it clear that you were different and having met you, I can attest to that. You're a special one. Take good care of him please"
"Yes mum I will and I having honestly enjoyed spending time in your home. The love and unity that you share is so inspiring."
"All this is only achievable through prayer and the counsel of the Holy spirit. It is only God that can sustain a good home my dear."

Her wise words melted me, I couldn't help but ask her for a hug and a blessing.
"Can I please get a hug mum"
"Of course darling, come here."
She pulled me into a tight hug and begun to bless me.
"May God bless you and your family. May he fix what has been broken and may he mend the torn pieces of your life. I bless you as a mother and pray for God to grant you the wisdom that you need as a future wife and mother."
Tears begun to run down my cheecks as she prayed and spoke into my life. I felt the comfort and warmth of a mother in her arms.
"May the Lord bless you with amazing children when the time comes. Blessings shall follow you in your marriage and let this which God has established between you and my son birth out good fruit and give hope to the hopeless. Amen"

The tears that poured from my eyes were now begining to ruin my make up and I just couldn't stop myself from crying. It was like someone had touched the deepest wounds of my heart. It felt like that which I couldn't Personally ask from God had now been petitioned by Frank's mum. I hugged her so tightly and after a few minutes I was calm and she stood in front of me with both of my hands in hers.

Hello my dear Readers
I have noticed I tend to write more on Cindy's POV as compared to Frank.🙈
Well probably it's because am female.🤷🏻
But I'll try and do my best to balance it all up.
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