Chapter Twenty Two

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I couldn't help but notice that Cindy had been crying when she walked out of the kitchen with my mum. I stood still wondering whether or not she had been offended by whatever my mum had said to her. Just as I was in the middle of that thought, a refreshing wave had run through my body. I could see something different and beautiful about the two women but I couldn't put it in words.

"The blessing of a mother"
These words were too clear to doubt or ignore. God had opened my eyes to this truth. Cindy looked at me with sore, red eyes. I begun to walk to her and God continued to talk to me.
"Her healing has just begun"
I reached where she was and picked her hand.
"Is everything okay love?"
"Yes, I just need to touch up my make up a little."
I gave a Small bow to agree with what she said and my mother gestured to Grace who was engrossed in a conversation with Peter, her boyfriend. She came over and immediately noticed that Cindy's make up was ruined. They both went upstairs leaving my mum and I standing right there.

"She's a good woman." My mother spoke out
I smiled and responded,"Yes she is"
"She'll make a good wife, Just keep praying for her. I can feel it in my spirit and I can see it too."
"Thankyou very much mum, I will do as you have said."
It was so amazing to see how my mother had fallen in love with Cindy and how she saw what I had seen in her. I thanked God inwardly for what a successful week this had been. I was now even more sure that I was on the right path with all this.

The party had gone well and so had the weekend. Cindy and I packed up to travel back home and saying our goodbyes to the family brought a sad feeling. Well I enjoyed this get together especially that George for the first time in forever came with a woman. He said she was just a friend but we could all tell that there was definitely something sparking up between the two. She seemed to have kept him preoccupied most of the time and if you ask me it was actually a good thing. He needed to cut off a bit of work. My dad and I had teased him about all this and especially over the fact that he always seemed to pronounce her name with some emphasis "Ros-ie".
I wouldn't blame him because I knew exactly what it felt like to be in love.

I started out with dropping off Cindy at home cause I could tell that she was really tired. We agreed to meet up the next day and Just talk. While on out way back home, she told me about how the talk with my mother went and how mum had prayed for her and how she blessed her. I was really touched to hear this and it just gave me another level of assurance. Indeed God was with me Just as he had promised me a year ago.

I was a mess when Racheal had passed even though I couldn't admit it at the time. I was at my lowest and I questioned God. I didn't know why it happened and there was nothing I could do to change the situation. God being God came through for me and he assured me.
"I know the plans that I have for you son. I am God and I take care of my own. I heal the broken and give strength to those that are weak. I prosper my own and walk with them even in the valley. I am God and I will never stop being a God that heals."

I still remember these words up to now because they anchored me each time I fell. They gave me hope of a better future and I tightly held on to them. I knew God was going to heal Cindy, and when he told me her healing had Just begun, I had no doubt about that.

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