We fell in love in October

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~ Song: we fell in love in October by girl in red, would recommend to listen sometime:) ~

Y/n POV:

*Hi my name is Y/N, I am 17 years old and I attend boarding school.  I go to boarding school because I can focus on soccer more:) I am bi sexual but I haven't told anyone besides my family and Jason (my best friend). My parents are still married but my mom goes on business trips a lot, my dad on the other hand works at an office. I have a really good bond with both of them. I usually go home in the weekends and I am at school from Mondays to Friday, I do have soccer practice in the weekends but luckily my parents live close to my school. I have one older brother but he is in college already. This year it is my senior year and I couldn't be more excited!*

It was a Sunday morning in October and my friend Jason wanted to go for a walk outside. I got changed out of my PJ'S and put on a red hoodie, black jeans, black Vans and some earrings. I didn't bother to put on any make-up today. I brushed my teeth and then I got a text message from Jason.

~Yooo I'll be at your house in 10 minutes.

~Alright I'll be waiting for you!

~See ya soon

~end of convo~

I went downstairs and sat next to my dad.
"Dad, Jason is going to pick me up in 10 minutes."

"Alright Y/N, have fun but be home before dinner!"

"Will do, love you!" I said walking to the front door."

"Love you too kiddo!"

I walked outside and waited for Jason to come.

"Helloooooo sistaaaaa."

"Helloooo brothaaa from another Mothaaaa."

Okay let me give you a little information about me and Jason. Basically we met in kindergarten, the other girls wouldn't let me play with them because I had pigtails. I got sad and Jason asked if I want to play hide and seek with him. I said yes and now we are here 13 years later. Both 17 years old and still best friends.

We walked over to the park and sat down on a bench. It isn't as cold as I thought it would be, which is nice. After a little while Jason all of a sudden goes silent.

"Jay are you okay? You are very silent today and you are never this quiet." I say worried.

"Yeah I am sorry but something has been bothering me lately. Well nog bothering but I don't really know how to explain my feelings. I just need to tell someone about this and I wanted you to be the first person to know."

"You know you can always talk to me right? I'll always be there for you. No matter what!"

"I know, thank you... Well here goes nothing." He is silent for a few seconds and I can see him panicking a little, "I am gay Y/N. I'm into boys." He says looking down.

"Omg Jason that is such good news! You are really brave for telling me, I know how hard it is to come out. I am so proud of you!!" I said while giving him a hug.

"Thank you so much Y/N." He said hugging me back.

We stood up and walked over to a café I had never been to. Jason said it was very cute and was being very weird.

"Why are you being so weird right now Jason, something is up."

"There is but it's not like I'll tell you." He said winking at me.

"Ugh stop."

We walked over to the café Jason was talking about and walked in. At first I didn't notice anything but when we got to the front I saw why Jason was being so weird. Behind the desk where you need to order stood the girl I have had a crush on since last year. Kennedy. Kennedy Jardine. Also a senior at my school, does basketball, plays the drums, likes to skate and sometimes surf. Oh and she is the pretties girl I've ever seen. Sounds cringe I know. But she has long dirty blond hair and really pretty eyes. I only have math with her but I have never had a conversation with her. I am the type of girl that almost everyone knows but I am not really popular. I get along with everyone but I have a small group of friends. Kennedy is just like me, but we are not in the same friendgroup.

"I really hate you Jason. I wish I could slap you in da face but that would be embarrassing for me."

Jason just laughed at me and walked up to the desk.

"Hey guys, what can I get ya?" Kennedy asks

"Uhm I'll take an Espresso." Jason said

"And I'll get a hot chocolate please."

"Alright that would be $3.85 please." Kennedy said

"I would like to pay by card."

"No wait Jason it is my turn to pay, you paid last time."

"No it's fine, your dad said he would make me some of his delicious pasta for dinner."

"Okay fine you pay." I finally gave in.

"Your drinks will be ready soon why don't you go and take a seat right there?" Kennedy said pointing to a small table with a smile.

"Alright will do!" I responded. We walked over to the table and Jason starts to laugh.

"OH gosh stoppppp." I said laughing.

"You are so in love with her." He whispered.

"Stop don't be like that, what if she can hear us. I don't want her to know!"

"Okay okay, I'll stop."

"Anyways do you have your eyes on someone?"

"Yes I do, his name is Leon."

"Leon as in smart Leon?"

"Yes that's him." Jason said and he started to blush.

"Awe that is so cute, I definitely ship you two!!" I got interrupted bu Kennedy bringing our drinks.

"Alright a hot chocolate for Y/N right? We have math together don't we?"

"Yes I think so, miss Robins' class."

"Yes that is my teacher."

"Thanks for the drink!"

"No problem." She said and she winked at me. SHE FREAKING WINKED AT ME WTH. Okay calm down. She gave Jason his drink too and we walked out of the café. We had a  small talk and then went to my house for dinner.

~Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you will enjoy the rest of this fanfiction as well. Follow Kennedy's socials:
- tiktok & Instagram @ kennedy.jardine
Follow my Instagram:
- @ kennnedy.jardine
I'll try to upload as soon as possible. By lovess<3~

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