Chapter 13

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Once the bubbly omega feels better, he tried to give an absent slip to the school but they didn't accept it since Ushijima told them a day ago. The principal understood his situation and advised him to look after himself. One teacher spotted the second years glancing in his way sometimes, he would let those volleyball members stalking for a bit and it amused him they are following the omega like a kicked puppy.

Since that day when [Name] was close to getting forced by the unknown alpha, they become... overprotective and also... possessive too especially when he got scented by Iwaizumi.  The men's volleyball club started to cling on the omega everywhere he goes and Ushijima got upset when he would disappear in a second.

Mostly it would be Kawanishi and Goshiki stuck like glue on the paper, they wouldn't leave the omega alone and bare their teeth if one tries to approach the short male who would be clueless around his surroundings. There was one time, Kawanishi places his arms on top of the omega's shoulder while lazily put his weight on him and glared at the cowering alphas in fear. Goshiki pulled [Name] onto his lap and hugs his waist, aggressively growling to anyone who dares to go near the omega.

At the gymnasium, he shakes his head, tries to pulls his elbow from the gripping hand. ''I will be back in class, Tsutomu-kun. I promise I'll be back safe and sound.'' [Name] tries to reassure the protesting alpha. Goshiki huffs and pulling him into a tight hug. ''Let him go, Goshiki.'' Yamagata calls, side glancing at the bowl cut boy who trapped the wriggling omega.

''Senpai! What if he gets stalk by another alpha? What if he lost his way? What if he trips while carrying his books? What if-'' His what ifs are cut off by pair of soft hands cupping his cheeks and catches his gaze. ''Tsutomu...'' [Name]'s naive voice speaks while holding him. ''I'll come back.''

Goshiki didn't bother to speak except he nods his head slowly while staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face. Unconsciously, letting go of the omega as [Name] giggles when he stands there in his place. In his thoughts, Goshiki can hear angels singing from heaven when the soft skin touching his cheeks.

Others only stare at the dazed alpha and the [hair color] omega giving him a confused smile then his head tilting to the side. He didn't understand what is going on with Goshiki's head right now, the bowl cut boy is feeling that he's in heaven now. The copper haired male scowls at how he is worrying [Name] and approaches them.

Despite the second year is shorter than him, he jabs his side with the tips of his hand alerting the alpha with so much pain in his side and falls onto the floor, choking in his spit and protects it. ''Stop being in dazed, you idiot.'' Shirabu shoots him a pointed stare. ''You don't have to hit me!'' Goshiki huffs.

[Name] scratches his nape, laughing and gestures to the door. ''Am I allowed to go now?'' He asks the two motherly swans. The ash blonde male couldn't help but feel something will going to happen to him since he is going to alone and no one besides him, Ohira pats his back and reassures him that nothing will happen to him as if he can read his thoughts so loud.

''Yes, you can go now.'' Ohira quickly responded for Semi's misfortune, the other alpha isn't feeling good when [Name] going to leave their sides. ''Don't worry, everyone! Shizu will accompany me while walking around the school.'' Another misfortune but instead it is Tendou makes a nasty look and snarls quietly.

''I'll back.. I think? So bye bye!'' Waving at the team and leaves the gym in utter silence. 

''[Name]-kun! You're alright!'' One of his childhood friends beams and looks him from head to toe. The omega quickly remembers how his fever quickly fades away after he has his medicine and sleeps early. Speaking about medicine, he recalls how the lips are pressed on his. 

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