Chapter fifty-two

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Ashley's POV:
"Justin I really can't do this." I said and got up from my position.

"Babe.. He cheated on you. Twice." He grabbed my waist pulling me close to him. "How do you know that?" I asked him confused.

"I do my research, baby." He kissed my forehead lightly.

"Justin... I have an amazing boyfriend back home... And I don't care if he cheated on me. I forgave him because everyone makes mistakes." I said

"I understand. Are you going to tell him?" Justin asked pulling me on the couch with him. "Justin I have too." I said. "Okay." He said kissing my cheek.

I got off him and put on my shoes and got my purse and left his hotel.

I'm still in shock. How? How would Justin Bieber want to kiss me?

As I was driving back home the guilt was killing me inside. So this is what it feels like to cheat on your boyfriend.

I got home and went straight upstairs. I went to my balcony and sat in one of the chairs. The sky was gloomy.

I tuned around because someone was knocking on the sliding door. It was Anna.

"Babe, I saw you race up here.. Thought you needed a cigarette." She says handing me one and a lighter.

"Thanks Anna." I said and put the cigarette in my mouth and cupped the top part and lit it up.

I puffed out the smoke and held my cigarette in my hand. Destiny already had hers lit and began speaking, "The boys aren't home.. They went to pick up mike."

"Oh." Was all I spoke out. "So what's going on!?" Anna said taking her cigarette back up to her mouth again.

"Anna.." I trailed off. "I kissed Justin." I said and she looked over at me with wide eyes. "You did what?" She said. "Yeah.. We kinda made out." I looked at the floor.

Why were tears spilling out of my eyes? I was the one who decided to kiss him back.

"Babe, it's all going to be fine. Sam cheated on you twice for gods sake! And you forgave him both fucking times." She said coming over to me and hugging me. I couldn't take it anymore. I cried in her arms.

"An-anna this is a-all my fa-fault." I stuttered out. "Don't put this all on you." Anna said stroking my hair.

"Ash your phone is ringing." Anna went over to get it. "It's Sam." She sighed. "Fuck!" I said and picked it up.

"Hey." I spoke into the phone.

"Are you back home?" He asked


"Oh okay.. Just wanted to make sure. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"You're lying. See you when I get home." He said and hung up.

He knows something's up, and I'm not ready for it.

Until suddenly someone came into the room and it was Sam. Anna made her way over to the door and shut it.

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stop myself before the words came out of my mouth. "Sam. I kissed Justin." I said and he looked at me, shocked.

"Yo-you did what?" He said coming over to me. "Sam I kissed Justin." I sat on the bed.

"Why? Why did you kiss him?" Sam asked me.

"I was caught in the moment." I looked down.

"I thought you were going to the mall?" He raised his voice.

"Thought." I mumbled. "WHAT THE HELL?" He said and right there I knew he had enough of this bullshit.

Sam could leave me here by myself in this room we call or called ours. He's my bestfriend.. I can't lose him.

Especially over this. I didn't fuck Justin. I kissed him. He's fucked 2 people while we were dating.

"I'm sorry." I said as I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. "Sorry isn't going to do it Ashley." He said sitting on the couch that was in the room.

"Then leave."

"at least you didn't fuck him."

I was wondering if you his would like a series? Like JJ's little sister 2,3,4!? Comment right here !!


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