Chapter 3

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Hey everyone wow Chapter 3 already. :) well hope you like.

Mom's P.O.V.

"Yeah momma I'm fine" Jannali said to me but I don't think shes telling me the truth. I wish she would just open up to me, but i dropped it and we all had a lovely night. The girls cooked dinner for me and Mark ran my bath water. He told me its been a long day and i should relax. He's such an amazing husband. I do miss Michael though every once in awhile, but he chose to leave and walk out on me and the girls when they were little haven't seen or heard from him since.

*KNOCK KNOCK* i was interrupted by my thoughts.

"Whose there?" I yelled through to the bedroom door.

"Mommy can you come tuck me in?" my youngest baby girl said

"Of course darling, I'll be there in a few." I said as i hurried to finish my bath.

"OK i'll be waiting." she giggled before walking away. I got done with my bath and got my pajamas on and walked straight to Jessica's room.

"There's my little princess, did you remember to brush your teeth.?" I asked making a silly face at her.

"Yep and i took my bath" she answered wit a big smile like she was proud of herself.

"Good. So did you and your sister have a good time with Mark while I was gone?" I asked grabbing the covers and pulling them onto her.

Yes ma'am, but Mark did yell at me and pushed Jinx to the floor. We left it alone though because after that everything was fine." she said.

Why would he do that. I thought but I didn't question her i continued to tuck her in and told her that I loved her and told her to get her beauty rest before giving her a kiss and walking out. I went to Jannali's room to ask her about what Jessica just told me but she was fast asleep so I figured I would just ask her in the morning. I went to my bed and laid down.

"Wonder where Mark is." I said before falling fast asleep.

Jannali's P.O.V.

My monster was beginning his process again but heard footsteps coming towards my room door when he got out of my bed and told me to fake sleep. I did as I was told as he went and hid. My mother walked into my room and checked on me and kissed me goodnight. once she left he returned to the scene and locked my door.

"Take your clothes off" He whispered. I began taking then off when his hand met with my left cheek.

"Not like that. Do it slower!" He said while sitting on my bed and making me get up to strip tease, but I did as I was told and began taking it off slower. Soon I was finally naked and he threw me onto my bed. He climbed on top and again forcefully entered me and had his way. Tears formed on my face as he was going what felt like his hardest to me. He got off of me and told me that was enough and left my room. Once he left i locked my door again and fell to the ground sobbing.

"WHY ME? WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE MY LIFE?" I said running to the shower to get wash off all of mark's scent off of me. I was in so much pain this time that I didn't know how to deal with it. I went to my bathroom sink and looked in the mirror. I didn't look the same to myself anymore. I was someones slave. I have always read stories about girl who would be in pain and cut themselves so I decided maybe that was my remedy I opened my drawer and took out my razor that I had from when I was gonna do it the very first time and put it into ma wrist. The blood came out and I began to cry.

"This is for all the pain you caused me." as I did it again soon there were four cuts on my arm and I figured that was enough for now. I cleaned my mess up and threw everything in the clothes hamper and put ma pajamas on and text Rain and went to sleep.

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