Chapter 2

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Boom! Cornelius was awoken with a startling BOOM! Cornelius looked at his clock. The time read 6:20 A.M. It had been so long since he awoke with anything but silence, that he didn't know what to do. He started by getting dressed, putting on his blue jeans, his long sleeve orange sweater followed by his camouflage vest. He then slipped on his brown worn out hiking boots. He picked up the lantern from his bedside and practically ran down the hallway on the way to the entry space. When he was halfway there, he remembered what the grumpy old general had said about situations like this.

In situations in which you believe you may have been bombed, never investigate until you are certain it is safe, and even then, if you do choose to investigate, always go out in your designated radiation proof suit.

So Cornelius stopped and tried to remember where those things were stored. He figured the laundry room was a good place to start the search, so he made the next left then 14th right. By the dim lantern light, he began to carefully untie and pour out the hundreds of bags filled with clothes, but he quickly realized that it was much more efficient to simply tear through them with his pocket knife. After the 15th or 18th bag, Cornelius finally struck gold! Well, yellow. The bag held about 8 of the rubber full body suits with a detachable hood. The arms from the elbow down were a bright read, as well as the feet. The trefoil on the chest however was black on a blood red field. He thought it was rather funny, considering that presumably when it was needed, the suit would not be seen by many living eyes, yet whoever designed them took special care that their creative mind was appreciated. Cornelius did appreciate it. He picked one up and hustled back towards the entry space.

When he reached the doorway, he picked up his bag from where he left it, and opened the door. He hung the lantern on its place on the wall and looked up towards the door. He wondered, aloud "Could it really be a bomb? Those stopped falling years ago..but if it is..?" Right then and there he made a decision.

He began to ascend up the ladder, bag on his back and suit on the floor beneath. He reached the door. He paused for a moment. He looked at the suit on the floor. Then back up at the door. He took a deep breath, took his key and pushed open the door, fully prepared to face what the world has brought to his front door. Which was seemingly nothing.

He crawled out of the hole in the grown and inhaled. Everything was fine. Not a single structure was harmed, nor the surrounding plant life. So it wasn't a bomb, but it left the question of what was it? He began to investigate by going down to the pool.

The water was as placid as ever, however there was a distinct difference in the trail. In the mornings, the dirt is often cold, however when Cornelius went to touch it there was nothing. Not hot nor cold, just as warm as his hands. However the biggest difference was discovered when he looked at the water more closely. It was no longer a sharp green but rather it was closer to a sea green. "Odd" he said aloud, "What have you sent me today?" from behind his head he heard in a soft male voice, "Well not much, just myself".

Cornelius jumped about a mile high before quickly turning himself around. What he saw before him left him in awe. It was a human, but also it wasn't. The...thing was perhaps 2 and a half meters tall, however it was hard to tell as it appeared to be floating. Its entire body was engulfed in a dazzling blue light, however it was not so harsh as to require Cornelius to shield his eyes. Its head looked like a blue wisp, or candle flame, moving erratically and without cause. "Hello Cornelius." it said, "So nice to finally meet you in person".

"Um" stuttered Cornelius, "Well,, nice to meet you...too uh"

"You can call me Ben" Ben cut in.

"Right, well...Ben. I'm Cornelius"

"Why yes you are"

Cornelius just stared at Ben for a brief moment. He tried hard to find a pair of eyes on what he presumed to be Ben's face but to no avail. He could find a very dignified nose, one lip (more of a two dimensional line with no depth really),curved in the shape of a parabola with positive concavity, and a pair of rather thick eyebrows. But no eyes. Odd. Thought Cornelius."What is?" Asked Ben.

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