Deku your my baby ( Momo X Deku) part 1

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( Narrator POV)
It's a normal day in at UA high . Izuku Midoriya is working out while being stalked by his ex girlfriend Momo Yaoyorozu. Oh what that doesn't sound normal while let me take you back to the moment where Momo went from over protective girlfriend to yandere stalker.

1 month earlier

(Deku POV)

Today the day , the day I cut free from that overprotective control girlfriend of mine Momo Yaoyaorzu. It took alot of convincing from my firends to be honest she kinda scares me but Uraraka and Iida told me everything would be alright to just let her go. I make it to her dorm door I knock on it twice and she answers it " Hey izuku darling what are you doing here ." She asked took a deep breathe and said " Momo we need to talk about are relationship may I come in." She looks at me shocked and allows me in. She then says "So Izu I'm assuming you want to take are relationship to the next level. " I sigh and say " Please dont assume it makes a ass out of me and you, I came here today to tell you that it's over you are to control you tell me to stay away from my firends because you think that every girl in the class wants me . " Momos happy look changed to a look that could put the fear of god in any man. She then said " Izuku honey tell me your joking " hear voice was shaky almost crazed. " I'm not joking it's over." I say in a dead pan low voice. Now she looks pissed and grabs me by my shirt and says in a crazed " Who , who is manipulating my baby." I break free from her grip and run away to Uraraka room. I knock on her door as loud as I could . She open it and ask " Did you do it ." " Yes now let me in ." I said in a panicked voices . She let me in and then said " Why are you panicking " she asked " She try to pin me down and integrate me on why she was acting crazy it scared me ." Uraraka took a deep breathe takeing all of it in and said " It will be ok your safe now if you want you can spend the night in my dorm and we can watch movies." " Are you sure I asked ." She nodded and turn on the tv.

( Momo POV)
He dumped me , he dumped me . No he not aloud to dump me hes mine my baby. I will have him at any cost ether as my boyfriend or my property . First I will need to let him clam down about it yes freak out when a grab him I need him to start to atleast trust me again. Yes , yes gain his trust but until them I must watch him to make sure no bitch can touch my man.

Present time

( Narrator POV)
So that how we got to here my boy Deku being watched by Momo while doing his work out with Kirishima. So let's see what happens next.

(Deku POV)
Me and Kirishima are sparing and I keep feeling like I'm being watch so I call I time out . " Bro you good you never call time." He asked me " I dont know I just feel like I'm being watched and its feels kinda creepy. " I tell him . He quickly looks around and then say " Bro your just being paranoid it's just us out here we're fine. " I sigh and say " Your right ." I get into fight stance and we start to spare again but I still feel uneasy because anyone could be watching any type of villain.

( Kirishima POV)
I feel a little bad for keeping Deku busy for her but 5 grand I couldn't not do this for Momo . So all I need to do is to keep him busy then tell him about Momo study and make him think it's a good idea to come. We take another break and I say " Hey bro you should come to Momo study group with me Denki and Sero later ." He then says " I dont it's only been a month I feel like it's to soon for me to be doing anything with her." I sigh and say " Think about it man I need to go get ready for it so see ya." I then leave to go get my cash from this sorry Deku.

( Momo POV)
I meet up with Kirishima and give him his payment and tell him " If you switch up on me I will end you and the leave you on your little crush Mina door step." I see him get chills up his spine as he nods and walks away a let a out a laugh and think ' The other two better get him to say for sure if hes coming he needs to learn who he belongs to.

Later that day
( Deku POV)
I was in the common area play smash bro with Sero and Denki when Denki said " Hey Mydorida did Kirishima tell you about Momo study group." " Yea he did I don't know if I should go though I dont want it to be awkward." Sero then intervenes and says "I think the only awkward thing is you avoiding her all the time it really bring down the cohesiveness of the class it feel like your just drift away from your team instead of working with it so I think you should come and get over whatever happened in your past with her." Sero making some good points I gusse I can go . I let out a sigh and say " I'll come with you guys just tell me when we are leave and where it's at., " Denki thens says " At her mansion and we leave in to hours ." Sigh and leave to go get ready.

(Momo POV)
I walk up to Dumb and dumb aka Denki and Sero and pay them for there work. They leave to get ready while I smile and think ' Tonight I get my baby back for good. '

Authors notes
Thank you guys for the read tell me who to do next there will be a part 2 to this one and sorry about the cliffhanger.

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