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...I used to think i had everything figured out... I mean, it doesn't really matter anymore, but i tried so hard to impress them- to make them both proud of me! I was trying to be a perfect little girl for them both, my parents were slick for obedience and perfection.

It's all their fault, not mine! i tried so hard for them only to worsen the state we were in.

They had gotten me help once when i was around ten years old, not that long ago mind you.

He was nice at first but i suppose i started to bore him. His name was Dr Hanie though i liked to call him Dr Honey.

He told me not to call him that because it aggravated him but I didn't care i enjoyed the reaction he gave off...

I sat infront of Peter Hanie twiddling my thumbs as he kept his eyes down on his clipboard.

" So, Miss Pestale, how do you feel amorality of the time?- please be honest with me about everything." He asked then said still not looking up.

I hummed in thought for a while until he was just about to open up his mouth i got in first and started talking.

" Sometimes I guess I feel insecure and I think about myself and words are coming into my mind...'fat', 'ugly', 'useless', 'Petty', 'unattractive' and all of that jazz yknow. They just appear in my mind and all I want at that very moment is to find a way to make all those thoughts stop, to just take all of this anger out on someone as cliche and pathetic as it sounds. And I think about how bad I want to take a blade and just do it. Just to let the pain go away. Just to make these words disappear from my mind. Just to be able to sleep without feeling this way...." I said while rolling my eyes and shrugged

" But then! I remember those words really shouldn't affect me and that the deed is already done." I cheekily blow a raspberry

He hummed. He was Bored.

" And I realise I still want to do it again- and I guess that's what hurts the most." I uncross my arms and began to fiddle with the end of my shirt suddenly finding it very interesting.

" Alright. That...that will be all, continue to take your medicine and this feeling will go away." Dr Hanie replied with a frown before ushering me out to take care of his new patient

Honesty never gets you anywhere.

My father wasn't the ideal parental figure either mind you- my mother though, she was my hero, my everything!

" Mother, I have a question!" I said with a pep in my voice, she sighed with a forced smile and looked over at me from the counter she was at cutting dinner.

" Yes, what is it my baby girl?" She asked casting me a side glance

" How can't people see the pain?" I asked shifting in my spot.

She stopped her cutting and looked up at me " Excuse me? what was that honey?" She questioned to see if she heard me right.

" How can't people see the pain?" I repeated, she gave me a worried look. So i continued...perfect timing because that is when my father made an appearance

" I don't understand...how people just don't see the pain. It's everywhere. How can they just live their lives like everything was fine? How do they manage to do it every single day? How can they not see it? How can they not feel that something is terribly missing, that something is wrong? How can they just ignore the pain? How can everyone not see it?-" My father cut me off by slapping me hard right across the cheek, it stung badly as tears came to the corners of my eyes. I was on the brink of tears but i couldn't let them fall in fear of more pain.

" That child is called 'Life'" He simply said...

I was never properly told that it was going to be okay, i knew it wasn't but someone could've tried more for me-

I'm being kinda selfish huh? maybe even bratty? I always wanted someone to just listen, nothing more or nothing less than that.

I grunted when the car came to a jolting stop outside of a property, i resisted the urge to roll my eyes and got out of the beat up yute and closed the door behind me. I waved as he drove off and i turnt towards the long driveway and started my trek while adjusting my backpacks straps and stretched out my bones before reaching the porch i had so fondly played on as a small, stupid but innocent child.

I knocked a few times on the old beat up looking door before hearing voices and footsteps.

The door opened and I grinned looking up at the man i had met oh so many years ago..

" Hey Drayton" I said with a anxious smile on my face, he furrowed his brows at me and his grip on the door only tightened.

" Who are ya?" He asked with narrowed eyes and a frown on his face

I rolled my eyes in return and placed both my hands onto my hips.

" Oh you old fart! loosen up! that crickett was damned huge and without Bubbles there to save me i would've died!?" I said loudly, trying to imitative my old accent i used to have as a kid.

Draytons eyes widened as he sighed with a shake of his head

" I'll be darned....Robin, you've come back." Drayton said with a creepy smile, one that I had missed greatly.

Little did i know how much things had changed since I left oh so long ago...




I laughed loudly as the girl in the overly tight tank top screamed at me, her eyes wide holding fear and tears flowing knowing that she ain't gonna get outta this alive.

I ceased my laughter once realising that she wasn't dead yet, i tapped my chin with a hum and sucked in a deep breath before letting out an unholy shout.

" BUBBA BOY, THIS GIRL JUST WON'T DIE!? BRING YOUR FINE ASS OVER HERE TO HELP ME WITH ER'!?!" i shouted loud enough for the whole house to hear, i felt a tap on my shoulder and i jolted around to see the man of the hour.

" Hey cupcake, care to finish her off for me?" I asked while giving him a tight hug to butter him up, Bubba hugged me back not too long after and nodded quickly, I grinned and pressed a kiss to his knuckles before sprinting into the kitchen to help Drayton with his world famous chilli that i for the love of everything unholy love.

Drayton didn't even acknowledge me as i stood there waving my arms around above my head and muttering curses once he waved me off, I huffed loudly and hopped up onto the counter beside the sink to watch what he does as he cooks his ungodly delicious CHILLI...

Bubba Sawyer x Reader x Thomas HewittWhere stories live. Discover now