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...I woke up to an empty bed. I love waking up alone.

I sat up with a yawn and a stretch before switching my top for one of Bubbas slightly over worn deep purple long sleeve top and rolled the sleeves up to my elbows, i tugged my hair out and gave it a quick brush before tying it into a high ponytail and heading downstairs.

I felt on edge for some reason... and i soon found out why, i snatched a knife from kitchen and made my way back to the hallway

" HOYT!? I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, my voice rang out through out the house.

I stomped my way into the dining room to see Hoyt standing 'over' Bubba who was wearing his pretty woman mask and had his make up all over the floor and in tears., he was getting ready to have our make up session, i was extremely pissed and ready to murder that fucking bitch.

I thought we were good!?

I gripped my knife tightly as i let out a dark chuckle and cocked my head to the side ever so slightly, i forced a smile as my breathing picked up and all that was on my mind was Hoyt. 

All the ways i could make him feel hell.

" Hoyt." I said shortly causing him to look over and freeze up, oh i bet he knew he fucked up big time.

In one big leap i was on top of him with my knife right up against his throat.

" You fucking idiot." I said through gritted teeth, he gripped my wrists tightly and tried hard to slash the knife sharply at him.

" Your such a damn prick aren't you!? i told you you so many times before to leave MY Bubba alone yet you kept at it!?" I shouted punching him hard with my other hand

I shouted ripping the knife back suddenly and ramming it back beside his head, he coughed and spat out curses

I brang the knife back up for one final stab when my body was suddenly picked up. I thrashed around clawing in Hoyts direction, i squirmed and wiggled. I want to get free!?

" Let me go! let me go! let me go!" I shouted trying desperately to get free and rip Hoyts throat out

I heard a grunt and jerked my head around to see that Thomas was the one holding me back from killing that bastard

Thomas carried me off to the other room and sat down holding me right up against his chest, i was positioned on his lap facing him. Theres no escape- I need Bubba!

" Bubba!? I need to make sure Bubba is okay!?" I shouted banging my palms at Thomas' chest

Thomas huffed and held me tightly as i continued to bash my fists into his chest, I'm not sure how long i was thrashing around but it was dark out and i was getting tired...

I bit back a growled as i felt tears well up in the corners of my eyes, why wont he just let me go!? I swear once i get my hands on the fuck head I'ma beat his shit up.

" I'm sorry..." I said under my breath and let my head fall against my captors chest, letting my grip on his shirt loosen until my hands were just placed against his chest.

Thomas huffed and grunted causing me to look up at him, his eyes where pretty captivating... i blinked hard and felt a small tear start to slip down my cheek and i soon felt a large warm hand cup my face and use his thumb to wipe the stray tear away, i couldn't help but lean into his touch as my eyes started to slowly close.

" Your begrudgingly special..." I said trailing off, i felt him pull his hand away and i instantly opened my eyes to see him red faced and wide eyes

I rolled my eyes and just dipped my face into his neck, he stilled and slowly but surely released his grip on me.

I sighed and pressed a soft and short kiss to his neck, i was suddenly shoved off of his lap and i fell onto the ground with a pained thud. I snapped my eyes up to Thomas and saw him standing up over me with a wild panicked expression, i felt my eye twitch as he seemed to snap out of it and reach down to pick me off the ground.

I shook my head and quickly got up myself before he could grip me.

I rubbed my arms and sighed softly " Got it. Not touching still." I say with a look to the side

He reached out to me again and i just knocked his hand away

" I'm just gonna go find Drayton, thanks for holding me captive or whatever" I said shortly before shrinking away to look for Drayton, who was found sitting on the porch with a bottle of beer.

I sent him a tired look and he rose a brow at me before shuffling over and patting the seat beside him which i took and leant back on the porch chair letting my feet swing and rub against the porch boards slightly.

" You doin' any better Robin?" He asked and i just nodded silently before looking out across the front yard and up the long driveway with a distant look in my eyes.

" When are we gonna go home?" I asked quietly

I didn't receive an answer instantly.

" You wanna go home, do ya?" He asked joining me in looking out dramatically across the horizon

" This isn't fun anymore" I said shortly and finally looked at Drayton, he sighed and closed his eyes shortly before looking me in the eyes.

" You and your fun... I thought you figured it out already" He said

I hummed in question " Figure out what?" I asked

" Why we left in the first place, ya daft girl" He said with a laugh

I shook my head " I haven't sadly, you gonna tell me though or you gonna play your sick mind games?" I asked with a small smirk

He chuckled " Nah, I'm just gonna give it to ya straight." He said

I hummed to let him know that i was listening

" We might be able to go back one day, but for now we can't. We're stuck here for the time being and it ain't even half that bad at times" He said

" Mhmm, but why can't we go back?" i asked getting insistent

" We were found out, we'll laying low until its safe to return" He said at last

I tucked my hands under my lap and nodded with a grim look on my face

" Does the boys know?" I asked looking at my feet

" Yeah, they have a brief idea. You know they all have thick skulls" He said jokingly

I gave a closed mouth laugh and gave him a small smile, Drayton polished off the last of his beverage and wrapped an arm around my shoulders bringing me close to him. I stayed quiet and leant against him, this was a rare occurrence and i plan on awkwardly enjoy the comfort hes offering.

" You gotta control that anger of yours, its gonna get ya in serious trouble one day and I ain't gonna be here to help ya" Drayton said lowly and i just hummed and nodded stiffly.

" I miss home, Drayton." I say softly and close my eyes, feeling all the exhaustion brought by today finally hit me.

" I miss it too, girl, i miss it too.." He said, that was the last thing i hear before drifting off into dreamland...

Bubba Sawyer x Reader x Thomas HewittWhere stories live. Discover now