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---3RD POV---

...Robin had come to a decision that she was gonna tell Bubba her feelings for him considering he didn't react badly from her parody last night, he knows that she cared deeply for him and that she loves him but she just want to tell him that hes more than just a best friend or brother to her.

Bubba sighed out with a smile as Robin stood her ground and didn't falter in her approach, Bubba looked to the side rolling his eyes as he did so knowing that she was gonna tease him about his goo goo eyes at her last night.

" I really don't want anyone better cupcake." Robin suddenly said making Bubba look up at her in question, he didn't expect this, he crossed his arms over his chest.

" I am bored of playing this game with you, Bub." She said with a huff of annoyance, she took a few strides closer to him

" I just want you, because to me, you are the best. I love you for everything that you are, your flaws and all. I don't need somebody that's extremely talented or movie-star-perfect." Robin said as she flicked her hand at the last sentence, Bubba looked into her eyes seeing that they held passion and truth to her words. Bubba let his arms fall to his sides fiddling with his shirt hem nervously.

" You believe that I deserve the best, right?" Robin asked reaching out and grabbing Bubbas hand holding it to her chest, Bubba sighed out blushing and nodded muttering his own version of 'i do'

" Well, then just stay with me. Stop underestimating yourself. I promise you that you are everything that I need and want." Robin said stepping even closer so that we were nearly chest to chest, Bubba gripped her hand back and felt his shoulders slump in defeat.

Bubba was in a beautiful rut, he wanted to tell her that she knew a lot of pretty words but all that came out was a bunch of un-understandable ramble

Robin giggled and nodded " I-I really do have feelings for you Bubba, i love you" Robin said with a very noticeable blush coating her cheeks, Bubba blushed darker and smiled at her shamefully falling deeper in love with her but he felt torn.

" When i was dragged away Mother and Father all those years ago, i missed so much y'know" Robin said with a small smile on her lips

" Even though so much has changed since those peaceful years we spent in the sunflower fields, theirs still a perfect spot for you in my bed." She admitted with rosy cheeks, she looked down unable to keep eye contact with the larger man any longer. Bubba said something that Robin couldn't hear but that didn't disperse her courage

" A-And your worth giving up half my drawers and space. I would love to wake up to that face every day and have you fall asleep in my arms-" Robin said with a stuttering start " -And have you squeeze me tighter when I have to get up for chores. And I would love to walk our son or daughter when it's sweltering out and you can't seem to get yourself out of bed."

Bubba was in some sort of daze as he listened to the words that left Robins mouth, the mention of kids was something that seemed to peak his immediate interest.

" And I would love to make you breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed and treat you like the princess that you are." Robin said with a giggle she couldn't suppress " And I would love to hold hands while walking through the property at night. And dance with you under the stars and huddle together when it gets freezin' cold before bed and both of our noses are red. I would love to bring you hot chocolate when your whining that you can't get warm and I would love to surprise you with flowers when I get done with my work." Robin says as she took hesitant step forward, just trying to get closer to the man she has had so many fantasises about.

Bubba Sawyer x Reader x Thomas HewittWhere stories live. Discover now