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...I tossed another crumpled up paper as it landed on the floor around of me, I adjusted my headphones and tried again, I wanted something decent this time, I looked down at my cup on the table in front of me but didn't touch it.

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair gripping my scalp tightly as i felt an oncoming headache erupt, i ripped my headphones out and shoved them both into my pocket, I sighed and twirled the straw around in my cup, it seemed to interesting all of a sudden.

Thomas tapped the table as he glared at his lemonade glass infront of him as Monty hummed in though " How about you go with him to meet h-"

" I don't wanna meet her, old man." I said with a chuckle " Not my place to butt in y'know"

Monty rose a brow at me as i just huffed, Thomas' tapping seemed to increase in sound. I hummed with a small forced giggle.

" I get that you want my help but, if i was her i would get suspicious if Tommy started to shout out all of this 'love shit' I tell him. Just cause i have experience- clearly more so than both of you- doesn't mean i will help him jump her bones, i don't even know who she is?" I said with a laugh an a sip to my drink

" That is true." Monty said shortly

" Well then, what does he do? Luda sent him to me and told me to help or I'd get my ass handed to me" He asked looking directly at me, i grinned at that thought.

I shrugged and sipped my drink once more before smiling warmly at Tommy

" Fine, heres some pointers so listen the fuck up cause i ain't repeating myself even once for ya" I said quickly

" Shower her with attention and love. Take care of her. Ask her how her day went. Has she eaten yet? How is she? Tell her how beautiful she is whenever possible. Hug her from behind. Pick her up and spin her around." I started with a small smile thinking about Bubba doing that to me, i twirled my straw between my fingers

" Tell her how much she means to you. If she smells good, say so. If she's sad, cheer her up. If she's crying, hold her and don't say a thing until she's done." I continue with another sip to my drink as i giggled and stuttered out a cough as Monty rose an amused brow at me, i rolled my eyes at him an looked back at Thomas ignoring his tapping

" Make her laugh- like be the silliest, stupidest ever. Listen to her. Cuddle her- always. Apologise when you argue with her or upset her. Play with her hair when she falls asleep on you. Watch movies with her. Kiss her every morning and every night. Did you tell her you love her today? Stay honest and stay loyal." I continued on giving him a small smile before standing up with my now empty glass as i tucked my curly straw behind my ear

" Be true to her, or don't be with her at all." I finished with a wink an walked off to wash my cup out.

I looked across the room seeing Bubba sitting on the couch seemingly listening to the radio, i haven't had much affection from him today and vise versa with me to him either so time to make up for that lost time and love. I skipped over to him and glomped down onto his lap, i clung to his button up top and nuzzled my face into his neck. Bubba started giggling and hugged me back tightly as he started pressing kisses all over my face, i started laughing and kissed him on his chapped lips roughly as i felt deprived.

Bubba instantly kissed back and thats where we were when i caught a glimpse of Thomas walking in as Monty rolled on in behind him, i decided to ignore them and continue on with making out with my country boy.

I teasingly bit his lip and he yelped silently allowing me access to his mouth entirely as i slipped my tongue past his lips and started on my assault, his tongue grazed against mine and that kick started there tango, he tasted so good that i couldn't help but mewl out a small moan against his lips as he nipped my tongue and tugged me closer to his chest on his lap.

Bubba Sawyer x Reader x Thomas HewittWhere stories live. Discover now