Chapter 4: the dance

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Today is the dance. I'm really excited. 2 days ago, the girls and I went out a bought dresses. The boys rented a limo that will pick us up at 7:00 tonight. It's now 5:00pm and the girls and I are getting ready.
"Wanna eat dinner before we start getting ready?" Asked Johanna.
"Yeah I'm starving." I say.
We eat dinner before we get ready.
"Can I so your makeup?" Annie asked me.
"Sure!" Annie is amazing at doing makeup. She made clove, glimmer and Johanna look stunning.
"Can I do you hair?" I ask them.
"Uhhhhh, yeah!" Shouts Annie.
I curled glimmers hair. I curled cloves hair and put it into a bun, with some of her hair hanging down. And I didn't do anything to Johanna's hair because it's too short. So I decided to go curl Annie's hair too.

After about an hour of doing hair and makeup, we put out dresses on. We look absolutely stunning in them. We the put on our white heels.
"Katniss?!"my mom screamed my name.
"Yeah?!" I scream back.
"I have something for you and the girls. Haymitch is giving the boys something to give to you guys." She explains.
"Ok! We'll be down in a minute!" I shout to her.
After putting on everything, we walk downstairs and my mom has a bag with something in it. She hands it to us and we see purses that Hang over our shoulders and matches out dresses. Once I open my purse I found a flower hair clip that matches my dress. Everyone has the same thing.
"Thank you mom. I love it." I say with tears welling up in my eyes.
"Thank you mrs. Everdeen." Says Annie and Johanna.
"Thank you." Clove and glimmer say.
After we put the clips into our hair I hear the doorbell ring.

The guys are here.

My mom lets the in and we each take our turn coming down the stairs. Annie goes first and then runs into Finnick's arms. Then Glimmer goes down and hugs Marvel. Then Johanna goes down into Thresh's arm. Then clove goes down to Cato. And then I'm last. I'm in my room getting nervous because I'm afraid Peeta won't like the way I look. Clove said that he will like the way I look I'm still really scared. I didn't go down when I was supposed to, so Annie comes up to make sure I'm ok.
"Katniss?" Asked Annie. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just afraid Peeta will think I don't look good." I say about to cry.
"Please don't cry, it will mess up your makeup. And he will think you look good. He already loves you." She says. That makes me feel so much better. She then runs down that stairs and says that I'm coming down. I walk down the stairs slowly, since in kind of scared and I have heels on. Once I reach the floor, Peeta looks at me, and his jaw drops.
"Katniss...." He says. "You look gorgeous." He says with a smile.
"And you look handsome." I say back.
We both smile at each other. The limo pulls up at 7:00 and we get in. We chat all the way there. Once we get out of the limo, I see someone I wish I never saw in my life.

Delly Cartwright.

I hate that girl. She is so inappropriate and just thinks she is the coolest thing ever. And over course she sees me and comes walking up.
"Oh hey there katpiss. You look ugly tonight." She says.
"Right back at ya!" I scream in her face.
She pushes me into a wall.
"Listen here katpiss, you stole Peeta from me. And I'm gonna steal him back, just you wait." She says.
"I'm terrified." I say sarcastically.
She then walks away. Gosh, why does she have to be so rude to people.
"Katniss are you ok? I saw Delly push you into the wall." Peeta says concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say to make him less worried. We get inside and the place was incredible. There were streamers everywhere, the music was blasting that I could barley hear myself think. There was soda and punch and snacks everywhere. There was a chocolate fountain with strawberries next to it. This place was awesome. I'm ready to have fun.

A slow song comes on. It's called All of Me by John Legend. I love this song. I see Annie and Finnick on the dance floor, I also see Glimmer and Marvel, and Clove and Cato, and Johanna and Thresh, so I pulled Peeta onto the dance floor. We danced and then we had some food and have some soda with it.
"I have to go to the bathroom and fix my hair. Girls will you come?" I ask.
"Sure!" They say.
"See you in a sec Peeta." I say kissing his cheek. Me and the girls talk for a bit and fix our makeup and hair. We then leave the bathroom.

The bathroom is on the otherwise of the school, so it's takes us like 4 minutes to walk back. Once I get there I stand in shock, so does the girls, when I see what I see.


Kissing Delly Cartwright.

His face was facing me so when we finally opened his eyes, which feels like forever. He looks at me and eyes grow bigger and he is starting to run towards me. I run away before he could catch up and the girls follow me. Except for Annie.

Annie's POV:

"How could you do that to Katniss?!" I scream at Peeta.
"I didn't miss Delly! She kissed me!" He yells.
"Well it sure looked like you were kissing back." I say.
"Woah, what's going on? Where are the other girls?" Finnick asks.
"They are running after Katniss. She ran away when she saw Peeta missing Delly." I explain.
"You kissed Delly?" Finnick asked.
"No! She kissed me!" He screams.
"You were kissing her back Peeta." I say.
"I'm on Peeta's side. I've been best friends with him for a while and he never lies." Finnick says.
"Well now he lied about not kissing Delly. And if Katniss is upset and Peeta kissing Delly, so am I. And I'm also upset that you would take him side Finnick." I say. Finnick looks at me with guilt in his eyes.
"And Peeta, to warn you. I don't think Katniss is gonna forgive you. I sure wouldn't." I say walking away.

Katniss' POV:

How could Peeta do this to me? He said he loved me. I knew I was wrong about Peeta. I never want to see him again.

"I should have never trusted him. I can't believe I loved him." I say walking with Johanna, glimmer, clove and Annie.

"Katniss!" I hear someone scream my name.


I start running.

"Katniss please! Let me explain!" Peeta shouts.
"You've already done enough now leave me alone!" I scream.
The girls stop him, but Annie follows me.
"I can't take this Annie. I thought he loved me but he obviously didn't. What so I do?" I ask Annie.
"I don't know sweetheart, this has never happened to me. I'm sorry." Annie apologizes.
"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong." I say.
"I just feel bad." She explains.

"Katniss! Please!" Peeta screams.
"STOP! I don't want to talk to you. You have done enough. I never want to se you again!" I scream at him. I run away crying with tears in my eyes.

I hate Peeta.

And sorry won't cut it this time.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading!! Longest chapter so far. Hope you like it! I'm gonna update tomorrow. Thanks! Bye❤️

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