Chapter One ☕️

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Chapter One

Present time


" uugghhhh it's morning already?.." Akiko says to herself as she decided to finally pull herself outta bed at 530 in the morning to start getting the caffe ready for the day.
After getting dressed and heading down the back stairs she leaves a note taped to the door for her sister to make sure she doesn't forget anything Akemi would need for school.

Akiko headed down the back stairwell to the back entry to the caffe to start getting the caffe ready for opening and started the baking done as well as the rest of the prep for the day. " There. Okay I think I'm a little ahead of schedule actually... I have time to have a quick tea before Shai brings down Akemi." Akiko says to herself out loud. While drinking her tea she starts to get the music set up on her iPad and a few minutes later her sister Shai comes down with Akemi.
" Good morning Kemi! Did your aunt get you something to eat before coming down here?" Akiko asks her daughter
" Umm.. Yes I had some fruit but that's all I need mommy" Akemi says smiling big at her mom. " Okay then Kemi, are you ready to head to school? Because we gotta head out in a minute." Akiko informs her as she is getting her purse on and her favourite jean jacket. " Yup!! Let's go!!" Akemi states excitedly as they head out the front doors of the caffe. As they are leaving, Akiko turns to her sleepy sister and asks her to feed the cats and start getting the coffee and tea water on they open in 15 minutes. " Okay I'll be back shortly hold down the fort till I get back and please don't for get to open the doors on time." Akiko also asks Shai. " Yeah Yeah I got things *Yaawn* no worries get going for Kemi will be late" Shai reassures her sister as Akiko sets out with her daughter.

Once they arrive at Akemis school Akiko informs her that her grandmother will be picking her up and bringing her home. Akemi says " okay mommy! I hope you have a good day!! Love you!!" And hugs her mom before running of to the school grounds. " Bye Kemi love you too!! Have a good day hunny!" "Oh and don't forget your grandmother is coming okay?" Akiko reminds her daughter. " Kay mommy I won't forget!!" And with that Akiko heads back to the caffe getting lost in her own thoughts as she puts on her headphones and heads back to her work.

When almost back to the Caffe Akiko starts to remove her headphones still lost in her own thoughts. Akiko then hears suddenly mere blocks from her Caffe "MOVE IT EXTRA!" And Akiko looks up to see two pro hero's, one running towards her at full speed and one blasting past with his quirk and gets run into and blasted all at once causing her to fall and ends up getting cut and burnt in the process. As Akiko turns to see who hit her The one with Red hair turns and yells a quick sorry and keeps running along with the other Pro to keep up while they chase their Villian. Akiko recognizes the Pros and sees that the hero's were Red Riot and GroundZero.

Akiko after being in shock, the pain finally set in and she finally gets up and dusted off and heads back into the shop. Once Akiko enter the Caffe her sister notices her sister wounds " Wow Kiko you look like shit. What happened?" Shai asks, " Well on my way back as I finally turned onto our road I herd someone yell and then I felt like I got hit by a bus... I'm gunna need you to hold down the fort a little longer while I go change and get cleaned up
." Akiko explains what went down and then proceeds up the back stairs to go clean and dress her new wounds. While removed her stuff she notices her favourite jacket has been singed and now had burn holes and tears throughout it. " Well that's just fucking great... I loved this jacket... Damn such a waste..." and then proceeded to look over the rest of her clothes noticing that it's basically all ruined " God damn it! I really liked these jeans too and this shirt.. this is what I get for thinking today was gunna go well.. * siiggghhh*" As Akiko finds a new outfit to wear she think that it's probably wise to pick something she can access her wounds easily for cleaning and changing the bandages if need be.

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