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Enchanted Forest: One Year Ago...

A carriage, escorted by a knight, crossed a forest and it was stopped by a man in the middle of the dirt road.

"Whoa! And just who might you be?" The Knight asked.

"I'm the man who's going to relieve you of that chest full of gold you are transporting," The man said.

"You and what army?" The Knight asked as he laughed.

"Well, I'm glad you asked," The man said and lights are lit as the knights get surrounded by what looked like an army, "Your choice, save your lives or the gold," The man said.

"Retreat!" The Knight yelled and the knights all left leaving the gold behind.

The man took off his helmet, revealing Killian himself, "Smee?!" He called out and Mr Smee rushed over to his captain's side, "Those arrows took a lot longer to light than discussed."

"It wasn't easy lighting all of them by ourselves, Cap'n. Maybe if we had an actual army... Talk to Princess Brooklyn, she'd provide you with anything you wanted," Smee said.

Killian pressed his hook against Smee's neck, "Are you suggesting I ruin Lyn? And we share in the spoils? I think not, to both," Killian said and moved his hook as the other men who helped them were standing near by, helping to get the gold out of the carriage.

"I apologise for suggesting to ruin the young princess sir," Smee said instantly, "I also have to say, it's good to be at your side again, sir, and not as a rat," Smee said.

"Well... That's a lovely side effect of the curse breaking for you, I'd imagine," Killian said.

"I did like the mobility, but being a human is good, too," Smee said as he opened up the chest revealing jewels and gold.

"What did I tell you, mates? You don't need a ship to be a pirate," Killian said.

Killian and the men were at a tavern later at night.

"One more, one more!" Killian said as he and his men were playing a game at a table together, "To the most clever, dastardly band of pirates to ever set sa..." He looked at Smee and chuckled a little, "Stride on the open road!" 

"To Captain Hook!" Smee said and the crew drunk from their steins, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait," Smee said and held onto Killian's arm getting his attention, "The boys and I chipped in..." Smee said and Killian hummed, "And got you something."

Killian looked to see a prostitute walking towards them, "Smee..." He glared at the once rat.

"I know... I know, you have this thing with Princess Brooklyn, but her father will never allow it, sir," Smee said, "I'm sorry but it's true... And, forgive me sir, but I don't see Princess Brooklyn around to stop you from releasing that stress."

The prostitute took Killian's hand and walked out of the tavern with him as his crew cheered. Killian gave the prostitute some money as soon as the door was closed.

"I don't... Understand," Prostitute said, "Your men told me you'd take care of me."

"And tomorrow, you shall tell them that you had a grand time. Goodnight," Killian said and the woman walked away.

Killian was walking down the street when someone hit him on the back of the head, then a knife is placed against his throat, "Move, and I'll slit your throat," The women threatened, "Not a good plan for you, I'm guessing you don't know who I am."

"Well, then, I'm at a disadvantage," Killian said.

"My name's Ariel and you're gonna pay for what you've done," Ariel said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now