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Brooke and David were covering up Mother Superior's body as Regina and 'Henry' walked up to them.

"What the hell happened?" Regina asked.

"The shadow, it killed her," David told her as Brooke went back to Killian's side.

"Pan's shadow?" Regina questioned, "I trapped it on the sail."

"Yeah, well, it got free," Brooke said.

"Hook, let's go back to the ship and get the candle. If it strikes again, we need to be able to capture it," Neal said.

Killian looked at Brooke, "Coming with?" He asked.

"Yeah," She nodded before her, Killian, Tinkerbell and Neal took off to the Jolly Roger to retrieve the coconut.


Killian, Brooke, Neal and Tinkerbell retrieved the coconut and Brooke got her bow and arrows from Killian's ship. She walked out of his quarters and Neal looked at her.

"You know you can't hurt a shadow right?" He asked.

"But I can hurt Pan," She said with a smile, "Now, are you going to continue to point out the obvious or are we going to figure out what's going on?" She asked.

"She's right Neal," Tinkerbell said and looked at Brooke, "It's nice to see you with a back bone."

"Give over, I was only 6!" Brooke rolled her eyes and walked off the ship then they began looking for the shadow.

Later that day, Brooke's phone rang. She took her phone out, "It's Emma," She said and and answered it, "Hello?" 

"Brooke, are you guys okay?" Emma asked.

"We're fine, on our way back to you guys. Where should we meet?" Brooke said.

"Regina's vault... Henry is Pan and Pan is Henry," Emma said.

Brooke stopped walking, "Henry is Pan and Pan is Henry... What? Pan switched with him?" She asked.

"What?" Neal leaned down to hear the conversation but Brooke put it on speaker.

"When Pan attacked Henry on the ship, Pan switched with Henry. We need to make sure Regina is fine, meet us at the vault now," Emma said and hung up.

"Let's go," Brook said and they met up with Emma, David, Mary Margaret and Gold at Regina's vault.

Brooke saw Henry in Pan's body, "Auntie Brooke," Henry said and ran to her, the two hugged.

"Thank god you're okay," She said, "We really need to get you back in your own body..."

"Agreed," Henry smiled at her.

Neal looked at Henry, "Is it really you?" Neal asked.

"Dad!" Henry hugged him with a smile.

"Did you find the find the shadow?" David asked.

"Not yet," Tinkerbell said.

"But we'll be ready for him when we do," Killian said and held up the candle.

"It's Pan we should be concerned about now, why are we still up here?" Gold asked.

"It's locked up tight," Neal said.

"Really? Brooke couldn't you break?" Gold asked.

"I'm still learning," She said.

Gold sighed and lifted his hand to try and open the vault with his magic but it didn't work, "I told you," Neal said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now