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Storybrooke: Present...

Emma, Brooke, Mary Margaret, David, Killian and Regina were at the loft talking. "So, now that we know who we're dealing with, how do we find this Wicked Witch?" David asked.

"Might I suggest we started by asking if anyone's seen a woman with green skin running around?" Killian suggested.

"We're cursed in Storybrooke, she'll look like anyone of us," Regina said.

"Then we start somewhere we know she's been, Regina's office," Emma said.

"I went over it with a fine-toothed comb, she left no trace," Regina said.

"But you were combing for magic, maybe there's physical evidence that you missed," Brooke said.

"Good idea, we'll track her," David said.

"If you want to waste your time playing Nancy Drew, be my guest, but we can't let Henry wander around alone with that witch and her flying monkeys out there," Killian said.

"Still no sign of Neal?" Mary Margaret asked.

"No," Brooke said.

"Point being, someone needs to protect Henry. He doesn't even know what's going on," Regina said.

"I'm guessing you're volunteering?" Emma questioned.

"If you find anything, call me," Regina said.

"Just remember, he thinks we're here because I'm on a case," Emma said.

"Well, look who's gotten good at lying," Regina said.

"And just don't let anyone slip up, as far as Henry knows, you're just Madam Mayor, and that's it," Emma said.

"I'm well aware of how Henry sees me," Regina said and walked out of the loft.

"Time's wasting, there's something wicked in your town. What do you say we go find it?" Killian asked.

Later, then in Regina's office, David, Emma, Killian and Brooke were looking around her office.

"I think I have a partial footprint, you guys see anything?" David asked.

"Other than an austere sense of design, nothing," Killian said.

Brooke walked over to David and crouched down noticing a red spot, "Is that blood?" She asked.

David picked up a piece of it and smelt it, "Berry," He told her.

"Like a fruit?" Emma asked.

"No, like holly berry, they grow on bushes," David said.

"Are you some sort of botanist in this life, mate?" Killian asked.

"I worked in an animal shelter, saw dogs track them all the time. The bushes grow in the woods," David said.

"You know where?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah in the northwest corner, not far from the toll bridge," David said and his phone buzzes then he looked at it and sighed.

"Everything okay?" Brooke asked.

"Uh, Mary Margaret needs me to come back to the loft. We're getting a midwife and she wants to meet the both of us," David told her.

"A bit demanding, isn't she?" Killian said and the twins gave him a look of 'shut up', "I meant the midwife," Killian said.

"It's fine, go," Emma said.

"No, we just got on track here, I mean..." David said.

"And we've got it covered, she needs you," Brooke said.

Wicked Is Coming [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #3 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now