Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lilliana's POV

I sat in my car for what seemed like forever.....

My mind was running with thoughts about what would happened if he were in the office. Would I get so pissed that everything would go down? Would I take it easy? How would I react?

I felt like my mind was running a marathon or maybe two..... I don't really know.

I took a deep deep breath then exhaled the air out, put on my sunglasses and added a little lipstick to my appearance. I looked at myself in the mirror admiring how I looked, I could not say that I am the perfect girl or that I looked like a model but I was pretty and I guess u could say I had a good body shape also.I stopped looking at my self in the mirroe and instantly I got out of the car and walk straight to the other side of my car and grabbed my suitcase and purse from the passenger seat. Then walked toward the double doors of the building I worked in.


The building that has been in the family since my dad's great-great-great granfather. I was soon to be the first woman to inherit the business. My mother and father could not have any children because my mom was not able to have any children. They did adopt a kid before they had me. His name was or is James, he was amazing, even if he was not my blood brother he was there for me when I needed him. He could not inherit the business because he was not born in the family, and the regulations that were stated by my father's ancestors specifically stated that the person to inherit the business had to be born in the family. Then I popped into the picture, so I guess I was next in line to inherit the business. I left high school and went straight to business school, (to.please my parents....) in reality I actually wanted to be a Chef or be incorporated into the FBI. I guess thats just not how life is.

I walked into the building and saw the pretty receptionist sitting at her desk typing away on her desk top Mac computer.

"Good Morning Mrs. Summers" she said raising her head slightly, as I passed by her on my way to the private elevator, that is for bosses only.

I nodded at her, then entered the elevator which was pretty huge in my opinion you could have stick a car in there. No I'm exaggerating may be just like a really big desk (lol). I press the button to the top floor, where mine and my dads office was located.

Ding! The doors of the elevator opened and I step out into the shining tile waxed floor. I passed by my secretary and asked if there were any messages for me.

"Well Mrs. Summers the enterprise in China called that they are considering your offer, and also there is someone in your office waiting for you."

"Thank you Misty, and can you tell me who is waiting for me in my office, because as far as I know I do not have any appointments at this time of day." I told her while lookin around, but in me something said it was that sick son of an itch.

"Well he told me not to tell you because he wanted to surprise you." She tild me with a worried expression on her face mixed with excitement.

"Okay Thank You Misty, I will call you if I need anything and will you tell my father that I'm here and that I would like to have lunch with him." I said will turning on my heel on my way to my office. I looked back one last time and saw her nod her head and start dialing on the phone.

I stopped in front of the door to my office, thinking if I should enter or just not leave and cancel everything for today, then cry my eyeballs out the rest of the day. No I'm not doing that, Lilliana Summers never shows how sad or happy she is inftont of people because you look valuable. I took a large breath and twisted the door to my office open, then entered the office.

Omg, it is him...

Was what popped into my head, when I saw a tall figure standing infront of the windows of my office.

I started to walk towards the tall figure when he turned around and I saw who it was.......

"What are you doing here?" I said with a surprised expression on my face, and my heart started to beat like crazy, at a moment I thought it was going to jump out of my chest.

"Aren't you happy to see me my love" he said with sarcasm dripping off his voice. At that moment I knew that I HATED him more then I hated anything before. I stood there and stared plainly at him, who in there right mind would do this?

"Who are you calling my love?" I said with sarcasm dripping or should I say pouring from my voice. My blood started to boil.... Control yourself Lilliana, Control yourself. I kept telling myself. Well im puertorican so what is it that I can do..

"Well of course you baby, I missed you so much.. " he said as he walked towards me with his arms wide open to embrace me in a hug. I reacted quickly and moved out of the way but, not before putting my foot in his way and making him fall flat on his face.

"Don't you ever touch me you son of an itch!" I said while kneeling right beside him. He got up slightly rising his head and reach an arm towards me, I kick it away and in the process stepped on his fingers.

He let out an loud ouch. I just ignored him and walked straight to my desk and sat down.

"Now Mr. Jay, how can I help you today?" I said, trying to control my temper because I dont want to go crazy and do something I will later regret.

He got up from the floor slowly and walked to the two chairs infont of my desk, then sat with a huge thump. He looked at me with a stupid smirk on his face like he was tempting me.

"Well I just wanted to talk about our wedding of course.", he said with a huge smile spread acrosss his face which didn't meet his eyes which where full of something I could not quite grasp.

"What wedding are you talking about, DO YOU REALLY THINK THERE WILL STILL BE A WEDDING AFTER EVEYTHING!!??" I screamed/yelled at him. How could he just come in here and talk to me about a wedding after what he did.

"Will you keep your voice down there are people here!" He hissed at me, his eyes narrowing his eyes at me. Giving me one of thoes looks that if looks could kill I would be dead right now.

"OHH SO, YOU DON'T WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW WHAT A SICK SON OF A------" he came running towards me and covered my mouth before I could finish my sentence. He toppled me over, we landed one on top of the other. I was on the bottom and he was on the top.

I tried to push him off.of me but just imagine a guy about 150lb but most of it muscle. He pinned me down to the ground and stared into my eyes, I at the moment could not feel anything towards him just hater and disgust. He kept looking at me then by surprise he smashed his lips into mine and kissed me. I just panicked and laid there freaked out. I tried to push him off me once more but he would not move at all.

Next thing I knew he was on the floor clutching his right cheek.



Well guys here is another chapter hope ya liked it and sorry it took me almost two weeks to update its just that I had midterms all this week and could not get anything in.... :(

But anyways please




Tell me what you think of my book and please tell your friends.....

Love ya!!!


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