Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lilliana's POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the window on the right side of the room. I yawn and then I noticed that my head was hurting so bad. I asked myself why does my head hurt so bad. Then a moment later everthing hit me like a bomb, the memory of them in bed. I shake my head trying to erase the image of them.

I walked straight to my bathroom and took a shower trying to get everything of what happen off my mind.

I came out of the bathroom with a towel wraped around my body and walked to my walk in closet looking to see what I would wear today.

I chose something which I used to wear when I used to go to high school. I choose a pair of skinny jeans, a purple tank top, and a black hoodie on top with some black converse.

I grabbed my iphone from the bed side table and walked out of my room. As I walked down the stair leading to the kitchen, I check my phone to see if I had any text messages or emails of any kind. I stop in my walk down the stair when I see I had 7 text messages from my sick son of a ....... EX boyfriend.

"I'm sorry"

"I love you"

"I can explain"

"It was not what it looked like"

"It meant nothing to me"

"I don't want to lose you"

"You mean the world to me"

That little butt hole dares to tell me that I mean the world to him that he loves me when he cheated on me! I thought as a resumed my walk back down the stairs.

I got to the kitchen and asked Maggie our maid to tell Chef Stewart to make me a chicken soup.

I sat on the stools the are at the kitchen islsnd. Waiting for the chef to make my sopa de pollo.

Why do guys cheat? Is it because the woman they have by their side is not enough for them? I never thought I would have to go through this...... How am I going to break the new to my family, that I'm not getting married, that he cheated on me, and that I caught him......


The noise snapped me out of my train of thoughts. When I look around to see what happened, I say Maggie standing in front of me with the soup in her hands.

"Hey Maggie, whst was that loud bang noise?" I asked, her as I grabbed the soup from her hands.

"Chef Stewart dropped a pan in the kitchen, are you okay Miss. Lilliana?" She asked me looking at me with a worried expression. Just as I put a spoon full of soup in my mouth.

"Well Maggie, I guess I'm good I just had a rough night thats all, and could you get me some Tylenol extra strength because I have a huge headache." I said, as I put another spoon full of soup in my mouth.

Seconds later Maggie came back with the pills and a glass of water. I put the pills in my mouth and drank a gulp of water just as I hear 'his' voice coming from down the hall that lead to the door.

I froze, How could he even think of coming to my house after everything!!

"Lilly, Lilly......", Maggie was calling me.

I looked up and saw that he was talking to my mom, they were about to enter the living room.

I stood up and ran over to where Maggie was and hid behind the kitchen island.

I looked up at Maggie who was looking at me like if I were crazy. "Maggie I need you to not tell anyone that I'm here okay and if anyone asks tell them I left to the office early okay." I whispered to her. She nodded her head yes, signifying that she understood and she would do as I said.

Oh my goodness why does life have to be this way. Can't he understand I want nothing to do with him beacuse he cheated on ne. Now he has the courage to come into my house, talk to my mother, and.... and............

I stopped thinking and stopped breathing. When my mother came into the kitchen.

"Good morning Maggie, have you seen Lilliana today?" I heard my mother ask Maggie. My mother was the wife of one of the most richest man in the world , Santiago Summers. My mothers name is Linda Summers which suited her well. She was beautiful, she was not the super model beautiful but she knew how to fix her self to look younger and radiant. Today she waz wearing a purple and white pants suit. She looked very beautiful.

I listened to the conversation, Maggie answered my mother saying, "She left to the office early this morning, I just saw her leave the front door like an hour or two ago." I could sense that Maggie was nervous for lying to my mother but I will reward her later when this is over.

"Okay, thank you Maggie." My mother answered. Then she walked away toward Jay who was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Jay I'm sorry to say tgat she is not here at the moment, I was just informed that she left to the office about an hour or so ago." My mother said to Jay, who stood up and started walking to the door without saying a thank you to my mother. I just wanted to jump out and attack him.

Once I heard the door shut, and I could hear my mothers high heels going up the stairs, till thet faded. I got up from behind the island, I hugged Maggie said thank you and told her that I was going to give her a lityle bonus on her pay check for helping me, she just laughed. Then I ran up stairs to my room. I opened the door to my room very softly so no one would know I was in my room. I went into my closet and changed into a black medium lengthed skirt and I kept the purple tank top on and tucked it into the skirt. Then put on a blazer over it. Went to the mirror at the end of my closet. I checked to see how my hair looked nd was surprised to see it looking amazing. I have naturally wavy hair. I pick out some purple stilettos that have black strips.

I walked out of my closet, grabbed my purse and suitcase. Then left out of my room closing the door very softly so that no one knew I was home. I took off my shoes and ran down the stair to the door. I put my shoes back on then I opened the door. I walked to my black Mustang 2015, opened the door, put my stuff in the passenger seat, turned on the engine, and left to the office.

I hope that Jay is not at the office 'cause if he is the most possibility is that all hell will set lose.........


Hiii guys!!!

Ummm...... this is my first chapter, I have many ideas for this book.

Please hang in with me, I really like writing just gotta let ya kno.

If there is any grammar mistakes please forgive me it not edited yet.

Please don't forget to






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