Chapter 4 {Edited}

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     •••HAFEEZAH POV •••

After arriving at Umar's mansion, which was now my home, I staggered tiredly to the glass front door and pushed it open. 

"Good afternoon ma'am. " Aisha, the house help greeted respectfully. She had a glass of mango cocktail in her hand. 

"Afternoon, Aisha. " A weak smile curved at my lips. I gulped the liquid as soon as she handed it to me. The cold liquid sluiced down my dehydrated throat, moisturising it and soothing my taste buds in the process. 

"Thank you. " I handed the empty glass back to her. 

"What would you love to have for lunch, ma'am? " She smilingly inquired. 

"A plate of Chicken biryani and a strawberry cocktail. " I retorted then trudged up the marble steps that led to my room. 

I got rid of my burqa and sandals as soon as I got to my luxurious bed chamber. My back-length coal black silky locks of hair bounced freely on my bare shoulders. A white cotton towel was loosely wrapped around my torso as I strolled to the glass shower room. 

The metallic faucet creaked as I twisted it in an attempt to turn on the hot water. Once the water temperature was optimum, I took off the towel and stepped under the cascade. The drizzles of warm water, caressed my naked skin, sending a relaxing feeling all over my tensed body. I needed to forget about Umar's stupid contract for a minute and just enjoy my bath. But I wasn't successful, because his face kept flashing before my eyes as his words echoed in my ears. 

After about ten minutes of un peaceful shower, I turned off the water, swathed the towel around my body wet and strolled out of the shower. 

"... I own you Hafeezah. You are my property which means that, I will do as I please with you. "

His words replayed in my head and an annoyed groan erupted from my throat. 

How dare he think that he can own me? Am I some piece of land that he can call his property? Who does he think he is? 

Of course he is Mr Umar, the greatest Lawyer/business man in Silver Springs City. The guy whose mere presence intimidates even the bravest of souls. The beast whose decree is obeyed without question. Hence, the thinks that he has a right to own me, Hafeezah, as his private property. 

Anger raced through my body as I shrugged into a pair of loose grey sweat pants and a plain white tee shirt. I tied my hair into a loose bun then applied some strawberry lip balm on my lips. 

I grabbed the yellow file that was resting on my king size bed and walked to the balcony where I perched on the chaise lounge. Cool afternoon breeze nipped at my bare skin, invoking goosebumps which crawled all over my skin. The view of the compound was breath taking. A mass of moss green sod covered most of the ground. Water sprinklers could be spotted at certain points of the ground, sprinkling moisture on the sod and the lawn of flowers. A massive water fountain stood a few meters from the colossal metallic obsidian gates -- the fountain of water was ejecting from a stone gorgyle's mouth. A lane of trees were perched on either side of the pathway from the main entrance of the compound. 

Silhouettes of the trees as they danced gently in the afternoon breeze, was an aesthetic sight. 

I drew my attention to the yellow file which was currently in my hands. I took a deep breath then opened the file. I commenced flipping through the papers while reading them. My eyes widened in shock and my heart beat frantically in the confines of my chest cavity upon reading the terms of the contract. Most of them were propestrus! I mean, did he really expect me to do all this? Is he nuts? Was he drunk when he was drafting this ridiculous contract? 

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