Chapter 5 {Edited}

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•••UMAR POV•••

I started working as a managing director at my dad's company when I was 22 years old. I was working at the company as well as studying for my degree in law at the university of California. That was 4 years ago.

Currently, at 26 years old, I am both the CEO of Aadeem Enterprises as well as the owner of the best law firm in Silver springs city. Being a lawyer and CEO isn't an easy task, I admit. But as the workaholic and bossy guy I am, I manage just fine.

My family is one of the most powerful and influential families in Silver springs. They have accumulated wealth worth billions over the years. My family is always the headlines in magazines, newspapers and televisions. We are always the target of paparazzi and nosy reporters.And there have always been news of me around with different girls of different status, that a rumor was spread about me having a child.

In order to curb the rumors, my parents had me married to Hafeezah Khalid. That was not the only reason for the betrothal --the other reasons were, so that I could start a family of my own and to also merge Khalid enterprises with Aadeem Enterprises. Khalid Enterprises was drowning in bankruptcy and the only way to save the company from being shut down was to marry its owner.. Hafeezah Khalid, and merge both of our companies into one. A mission that was successful.

"Umar, your father and I are not getting any younger. We need a grandchild soon. " That was my mother's favourite mantra. She always chanted it to me and it's why, when the marriage proposal of Hafeezah Khalid arrived at our home, my mother was the first person to accept it. She was beyond ecstatic that finally, I would marry a muslim girl and start a family of my own. I must confess that deep inside I was happy especially after seeing my bride for the first time. She was the most beautiful lass I had ever seen. Her mismatched eyes, her short curly raven eyelashes, the slim outline of her visage, her slender nose which fit perfectly on her face and her plummy pink lips. Had she not been putting on a burqa then I would have had a chance to explore her curves. It's no wonder I drafted a special contract that would ensure she never puts on that ridiculous attire.

Little did I know that I was marrying a rebel. The girl simply does what she feels like. Yesterday when she came to my office, she had the audacity to argue with me. She even went ahead and belittled me. Who does she think she is to belittle the great Umar Aadeem? No one speaks back at me or questions my authority. I guess I will have to show my wife her place.

A grin crawled up to my visage as plans on how I would teach her a lesson invaded my brain. That morning, I was seated in my office going through the firm's documents. A cup of steaming coffee was lying on my desk. The scent of the caffeine infiltrated my nasal cavity, soothing my olfactory senses in the process. A gentle breeze gushed into my office, through the colossal glass windows. Honks and car beeps resonating from the roads, created a perfect morning tune. I grabbed the cup of coffee and got up from the comfort of my leather swivel chair and advanced to the glass windows. I drew the cup closer to my lips and sipped the beverage while admiring the beautiful view of the city. I always love gazing at the sky scrapers which tower over tall buildings and also the traffic packed roads.

"I need to talk to you. " My wife's voice disrupted my peaceful moment. She had barged into my office and judging by the tone of her voice, she wanted to pick an argument.

I took a deep breath then walked back to my chair. I placed the cup on the desk and leaned back in my seat.

My gaze rested on my source of problems. She was clad in a long, sky blue long sleeved gown that accentuated her curves. I could clearly see her curvy hips and bossom. Her slender neck which was adorned with a simple neck lace, was on display. Her back length obsidian locks of hair was neatly crocheted. I couldn't stop staring at her mesmerising beauty. She was truly a marvel, without her burqa.

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