Chapter 6 {Edited}

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After arriving home, I headed to the shower to freshen up. While in the shower, thoughts bombarded my brain. They were mainly thoughts about my family's selfishness and betrayal.

I still couldn't believe that they all had the audacity to stab me in the back. I trusted all of them, confided in them especially my mother and step sister. But they all took it for granted.

Although mum and I didn't have the best mother/daughter relationship like we used to, I gave my all to make it work. That's why I allowed her to be in charge of the family business while I pursued my career.

I even gave step dad a position in the company. I ensured that my step sister attended the best school in the city and took care of all her personal expenses.

I gave them everything but it was never enough.

I should have sensed that they were up to no good from the beginning. Instead, I was too blinded by my love for them, to notice that they were scheming to steal my inheritance.

Now, I get why dad entrusted all of his property to me. That's because he knew exactly the kind of woman my mom was, a money minded selfish woman. He knew that she was not to be trusted with such a vast amount of wealth.

I blame myself for even thinking I could trust my own mother. I blame myself for trusting my step father and step sisters. I blame myself for being a moron.

I will do everything to find them in whatever part of the world they are hiding. Then, I will have my revenge on all of them. It's a good thing Umar offered to help. Speaking of Umar, I think something is wrong with the guy. He's a mental case. I mean, who does he think he is to corner me in his office like that? And what's worse, he started saying all those vulgar things to me.


What kind of man did I marry? One minute he's angry and arrogant and the next, he's romancing me and saying all those mature things to me. He even touched me, so intimately.

The image of his cerulean orbs gazing into mine as he whispered sweet nothings to me, made blood to rush in my body. As much as I denied it, his words and his touch was affecting me in more ways than one.The brush of his thumb on my cheek, invoked goosebumps which swam all over my tanned skin.The warmth of his breath on my face, had my heart racing like a cheetah in the grasslands.

Feezah, snap out of it!

A shrill voice yelled in my head, bringing me back to reality. I turned off the water, wrapped a towel around my torso and stepped out of the bathroom. I dessicated my body, applied some lotion then shrugged into a long, white, cotton dress and a pair of leather sandals. My obsidian hair was tied in a messy bun on the crown of my head.

I fished out my laptop from my office bag and perched on my bed where I switched on the electronic and commenced doing some office work. Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door.

"Come in. " I said calmly. The door creaked open to reveal Aisha. She sauntered into the room with a steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee. Earlier, I had asked her to make me some.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I brought you some coffee. " She respectfully stated then placed the mug of coffee on the bedside table.

"Good afternoon to you too, Aisha. Thank you for the coffee. " I retorted.

"You're welcome. Ma'am is there anything else you need? " She inquired.

"I actually would like to apologise to you for the other day. I wasn't in a good place and I shouldn't have yelled at you. I am so sorry, Aisha. " I apologized.

She smiled, "Ma'am, you should never apologise to me. I am just but a servant."

"No. You are not just a servant. You are human and as such, you deserve an apology when wronged. " I explained.

"You are an exemplary woman, ma'am. I have never come across someone like you. I am so honoured to serve you. " She openly declared.

"So, do you accept my apology? "

She nodded smilingly, "Yes. I accept your apology, ma'am. "

"One more thing, please call me by my name. I feel so uncomfortable when you refer to me as ma'am. "

"Okay, I will do as you ask, Hafeezah." She declared smilingly. "Is there anything else? "

"No. That will be all. " I dismissed her.

No sooner had she stepped out of my room, than my phone started ringing. I snatched it from the bed. My eyes bulged upon glancing at the caller ID.

It was my aunt, Fareedah, calling.

"Asalaam aleikum feezah. " Her bubbly voice echoed from the other end.

"Waleikum salaam, aunt Reedah. " I loved referring to her as Reedah ever since I was a kid. She was my favourite aunt and the only person I opened up to about my problems.

"You sound sad, for a married woman. I expected you to be on cloud nine. " She observed.

"Aunt, I am not sad. I am just overwhelmed. " I retorted.

"By your married life? Tell me, is it your husband? Is he mistreating you?" Her voice was full of concern.

"No. He isn't mistreating me. " I sighed.

"Then what is it, feezah? "

"Aunt, it's about mom. She tricked me to sign the property papers to her name then sold off all my property. " I confessed.

"What? I always knew that my sister was selfish but I never pictured her doing this to her own flesh and blood. Have you informed the police? "

"No. I can't inform the cops yet. Until I find her wherever she's hiding. "

"She ran away? " She gasped.

"Yes. Umar is helping me track her. It's only a matter of time before we narrow down on her location. "

"That's good. Once she's caught, she should be taught a lesson. Feezah, you are lucky to have such a supportive husband. "

"Yes. I am. " I voiced.

"Have you guys --consumated your marriage? "

I almost chocked on the coffee that I had just sipped, "No. "

"Why? " She was surprised.

"Because, I am --not ready to take that step. " I stuttered.

My aunt and I continued conversing about Umar and my married life. I even told her about the Burqa situation and the way he had cornered me in his office earlier that day.

"Awww--he sounds like a romantic guy. "My aunt commented.

"What? Aunty didn't you hear the part where I said that he forcefully cornered me? "

"But you liked it didn't you? " She laughed.

A blush rose to my cheeks, "No--I didn't. "

"You can't fool me, Feezah. I have known you since you were a baby and I can always tell when you're lying. " She stated.

"Fine. I kind of liked it. " I admitted shyly.

"Knew it! " She laughed.

She gave me advice regarding marriage and intimacy issues, some of which, had me blushing. Her advices were very helpful. After the long phone conversation, I hang up and resumed my work.

Sorry for the late upload, i have been busy.
Thanks to brightshiner_07 IamColleteRae iam_theabelle Sababa2813 for simply being the best ♥
Ah-mazing cover by _akwaah_
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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