Chapter Two

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Sunny waited with her sisters outside there father's office, wondering how long they were supposed to wait. Just at that moment the grand doors opened and out filed old men, Sunny paled and hoped that if her father indeed wanted them to marry, for it not to be with men who were probably old enough to be considered antique artefacts. The sisters shared nervous looks before filing into the office greeting their father one by one. Sunny was the last one in and as all the chairs were taken had to stand, she hoped this meeting wouldn't last long.

Her father looked at all of them and stated, "There is to be a ball in three weeks time, it shall be held here and all the eligible young men of the kingdom will receive invitations to come. Four princes have been invited and may bring a small group with them. All the princes shall all be staying here and by the end of the month after the ball I want you all engaged. The rest of the details you needn't worry about but if you must look at them ask Samuel. Am I understood?" He looked at all of his daughters in turn, taking in their different expressions. "Daughters, am I understood?"

Their father repeating himself was almost unheard of, especially in such a nice manner so they all answered (though mumbled is a better description), "Yes, father." Even if some of her sisters were close to tears, of happiness or joy Sunny didn't know, all she could think about was, In almost two months time I am to be engaged. Two months, two months, two months...

Their father, being the grumpy man that he was had run out of patience, "Very well, you may go." He watched them go and when the doors closed he sighed and placed his head in his hands and muttered to the cat that was winding around his ankles, "Is it the correct choice, Watson? Will they be safer this way?"

Watson just stared at him before meowing and running off. The King sighed as he knew he wasn't going to find his answers with the cat.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunny saw that her sister Lily was ecstatic about the ball, repeating over and over how it was going to be the ball of the century, all the young men there, dresses and something else. Sunny stared out the window, thinking about her father and couldn't believe he would do this to them. Find an heir for the throne? Done. Alright then, eleven daughters left, what to do? I know, marry them off in one go. She huffed, knowing that although he had forced this on them, at least they had the choice of who to marry instead of having that forced on them as well, unless, of course, they were all despicable and then it really would be forced on them.

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