Chapter Four

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Some days passed by in a blur, others not so much. Sunny had just endured another lesson on dancing and the seamstress had visited her to take her measurements for the gown she was to wear at the ball. Sunny could not fathom the idea of marrying someone so soon. She sat by the window looking out, lost in thought. Her eyes wandered across the gardens when she noticed a big creature moving across them. She could only see its shadow but it was huge. She covered her mouth with a gasp when it disappeared into thin air. She pressed her hands against the glass and pushed her face closer, as if it would enhance her vision and help her find the monster.

This was not so but she continued to scan the gardens in this manner though she found nothing out of the ordinary except that a storm seemed to be brewing. She sighed and moved back a little bit before straightening her dress and hair which had become a little disheveled after being pressed against the glass. She was about to open a book about other countries and their customs when a giant gong echoed through the castle. She rushed to her door and threw it open. Sunny was confused and decided to find Tulip and find out the matter with her. Tulip, however, was not in her room. Sunny rushed around the castle, bumping into her sisters when she rounded the corner and hit the same servant Tulip had the other day square in the chest. He jumped back and apologised, his face was a little red at having once again run into a princess.

She herself was a little embarassed as it seemed that the poor man was being assaulted by princesses rounding corners. Well, assaulted is a bit strong of a word, Sunny thought to herself.

"I'm terribly sorry for bumping into you in such a manner," she told him.

"You have nothing to apologise for, the situation is entirely my fault," and with that he stepped back and bowed, waiting to be dismissed.

She nodded her head in acquiesce and carried on looking for her sister, this time careful when she rounded a corner. After searching for her a little while longer she gave up and headed to her father's study, determined to find out what the matter was. When she arrived she went to knock on the door but heard her father talking to someone. She was reluctant to pull away and not eavesdrop but she didn't want the guards near her to be suspicious if they saw her press her ear to the door. So she merely tapped her knuckles against the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, to give her an excuse to listen in. She assumed an innocent face and leaned towards the door, straining to hear something. And then the door opened and she fell in.

* * * * * * * * *

"Sunny? What are you doing?" a gruff tone asked the girl who was currently trying not to fall down on the floor in front of him, the door having been pulled away.

She succeeded and stood straight as though nothing had happened and merely regarded him curiously. "Are you quite well, Father?" she asked him.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Hm, no reason. Other than simply making sure you're okay, of course," she replied evasively, looking around as if for something, "May I come in?"

"Of course," he moved aside and took his seat at his desk and watched as she closed the door behind her. She was the youngest and most troublesome of the lot, whenever she played the darling daughter as she was doing now he was far more worried than if she had barged in here asking for something-- at least then he would know what she wanted. She sat herself in front of him, "Father, what was the gong about?"

He was confused, she had been direct yet he still had no idea what she wanted, What on earth was the child on about?, " I am confused, my dear. What is this gong you speak of?"

Her expression changed, "Father, everyone heard it. Don't deny it. What was the gong?"

He still was quite unsure about what was happening, "I am still confused, dear. I know not of what you speak. Explain in detail because I certainly have not heard this gong,"

"Stop hiding things from me and tell me, I am not a child anymore!"

"And that is where you are wrong. You are still more of a child than you wish to believe. I do not know what you are talking about and do not accuse me of deceit!" He had stood up at this.

"I am a child, am I? Apparently not so much as you believe as I am to be married this year!"

This hurt him, he knew she was upset but he did not know what else to do to help them.

"Leave. Leave this instance. I shall not have your impertinence in here."

Sunny rose and left the room without speaking one word. The King now felt like he had made more of a mistake than ever but he repeated to himself it was the right thing to do.


Sorry, it's taken me so long to update! Everything has been crazy as exams have been cancelled! I hope you all had a good holiday and that 2021 is a better year for everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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