The New Boy

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Hey. My name is De'Asia. I am 17 and I am a senior in Park Heights High School. I was on the varsity girl basketball team and was on the volleyball for a certain period if time before I beat this b!tch ass for looking at my ex boyfriend Steve the wrong way.

I was walking down the hallways with my main b!tch Kristianna when the new boy walked by and brushed my shoulder.

I wasn't going to say nothing cuz the n!gga was fine. But Kristianna said something.

"Excuse you n!gga. But you just bumped into my main b!tch. And you sure as hell didn't even say sorry."

He looked at me. Licked his lips. "My bad ma."

"That's not saying sorry." Kristianna said.

"Kris, it's fine." I said while walking down the hallway.

We were eating our lunch when Jazmone came and sat with us.

"Was it y'all loud asses I heard in the hallway earlier?"

"It was all Kristianna loud ass."

"B!tch." she said choking on her drink.


"I heard you was yelling at the new boy. is he fine?"

"Hell yes girl.." Kristianna said. "I can still see his light bright ass."

"His tattoos was on point girl. Damn he is fine. All up his neck and sh!t."

Just then he walked into the cafeteria with the biggest thot named in our school. Krystal.

Chris POV

My name is Chris. I used to play on the varsity basketball team at my old school. But I switched for 2 reasons. One cuz I cussed a teacher out and two cuz my mother got married to this annoying ass n!gga named James. And the n!gga had 2 kids. Krystal and Kelli. They're mixed.

Kelli is in elementary school. While Krystal and I was seniors in high school. Since Krystal went to this wack ass school they told me I should come here.

When I walked into the cafeteria, I walked in with Krystal.

"Your mother said you need to stay out of trouble."

"Whatever Krystal."

I saw the girl I bumped into the hallway with.

"Chris stay out of my way too. I don't need n!ggas thinking we dating or anything."

"Whatever." I walked over to the girl and sat down.



Then her loud mouthed friend looked at me.



"Hey boo thang."

"My name is Chris."

"My name is De'Asia and that hoe that just was flirting wit you is Kristianna and that," she pointed to the girl next to me "is Jazmone."

"Hey b!tch. I'm not a that."

"You a it?"

"No I'm a girl."


"So De'Asia can I have your number?"

"For what?" She said biting into a fry.

"So I can talk to you."

She got up. "No. not yet. you gotta work for it baby boy."

She dumped off her tray and left the cafeteria.

Her friend Krayanna?.. Was still sitting there.

"You want my number Daddy?"

"Hell nah." I got up and left the cafeteria.

Follow me on ig. @bracefacexd and/ or @kaiyachantel

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