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"Y/N!!" Someone shouted, barging into my room without knocking beforehand, causing me to flinch before mentally reminding myself that this happens every single day.

"What do you want Xuxi?" I asked Lucas,my bestfriend, peeking over from my laptop which was settled on my lap.

"Let's go eat!" he said while smiling widely and clapping his hands like a kid. "Your treat?" I asked, raising one eyebrow to which he responded by nodding rapidly. "Call!" I agreed, shutting down my laptop.

"Let's go" he exclaimed, dragging me outside with him. " We're taking your car right?" I asked uncertain while running to match with his wAlKInG pace.

"Car? Who needs a car when we can... RUN" he shouted before running, causing me to run even faster because umm HELLO??? HE'S STILL DRAGGING ME AND HIS SINGLE STEP IS LIKE MY 3 STEPS?

"XUXI, SLOW DOWN!!" I shouted in between my sharp intakes of air in order to survive. Instead of slowing down, Lucas just laughed and continued running.

~ An eternity later ~

"We're here!" Lucas stated ad we arrived infront of McDonald's apparently. "Common, let's go inside!" He said " Wait... let.... me... breathe.." I replied while intensely trying to calm myself down.

"Okay let's go!" I exclaimed while going inside and standing in line to order, with Lucas next to me of course.

"The usual right?" Lucas asked once it was our turn to order. " Yup!" I said back waiting for our food.

"Here's your order,enjoy!" The employee (?) said. "Thanks!" Me and Lucas thanked in unison before taking our own tray of food.

"Wanna sit there?" I asked pointing with my tray towards an empty table near the window with sunlight emitting through it.

"Sure, why not?" Lucas said as we began to walk there and sat down.

~ Time Skip ~

"Can I have some?" Lucas asked the oreo Mcflurry I was eating while showing his adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Get some of your own. This one is mine!" I said "Pleaseeee?" He asked- no-begged, with his eyes opened wide with some sparkles reflecting as if he has stars in them.

I could feel myself starting to cave in to him due to how adorable he looked. I sighed before giving him what he wanted as he did a little victory dance, just like every other time I caved in to him.

"I don't get why you never get one for yourself and always ask for mine" I stated genuinely wanting to know.

"Nah fam, I'm broke" He answered before scooping another bite into his mouth.

"Then why did you always pay for my food?" "Cuz it's the only way to get you out" He says with the 'duh' face.

"Here ya go" Lucas said handing me my three-fourth empty Mcflurry. I peeked into the dessert he returned disappointed but not surprised at the amount that was left.I whined at the lack of food remaining but ending up eating the remains of it.

"Y/N" Lucas called. I looked at him with a confused face,wondering why he called me. "You're such a baby" He continued with a smile plastered on his face.

Lucas' hand reaches out towards my direction before landing on my right cheek and swiping very gently at the end of my right lips as if i'd break if he did that any harder.

I could feel my heart racing and face turning hot as a light shade of pink appeared.

Maybe, just maybe, I had fallen for my own bestfriend.

"You have ice cream on your face, you kid" Lucas said not noticing my flustered state. "S-shut up!" I stuttered before stuffing the last scoop of Mcflurry in my mouth to avoid being more embarrassed.

"Y/N" Lucas called again. "Yea?" I asked.

"Do you have a crush?"

That single question made me stop whatever i was doing and freeze.

"Yes" I admitted quietly. "Do you have a crush?" I asked quickly trying to shift the focus of the conversation.

"Hmmm.... I do" Lucas said with his face showcasing an emotion so strong. Adoration.

I could feel my heart crack but let's stay optimistic! "Who's the lucky girl then?" I asked trying to hide away any negative emotion.

It went quiet for a while which made my heart beat faster and hands to sweat.

Lucas looked straight into my eyes and broke the awkward silence.
(Awkward silence! Get it?? No okay ._.)

"You. I like you"


and that's it!!! also this wasn't proof read ._.



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