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I was feeling happy again. Jk took a holiday for a few days.
He took y/n to a fancy restaurant. They ate, laughed. When we arrived home. We saw mina sneaking in the mansion. But jk took her out. After freshened up.

Jk:how was it, y/n?
Y/n: it was amazing, jk. One of the most beautiful day of my life.
Jk: one of?
He looked confused.
Y/n: yeah, why?
Jk's eyes darkened, his fists clenched, he clenched his jaw.
Y/n didn't notice.
Jk: who was it?
He said calmly.
Y/n: em, my ex boyfriend taehyung... He told to break up after he went to America for his uni. He didn't want long distance relationship.
Jk: ok
He said again calmly.
Y/n was in bed.
Y/n and jk cuddled and slept peacefully.

It was a normal day again.
It was no new. Still y/n couldn't get herself to forget what jk said.
All those words jk said stuck with her the whole day.

"You will be mine even after death"

"The kindness you possess in your fingertips is more than some people's entire body"

Did he mean it?
Did he really mean?

As these thoughts lingered in y/n's mind until she heard some noise coming through jk's room. She went through the hallway, up stairs to find...


"WTF!!!" y/n thought to her self.
Those noises coming was mina's moans it's because jk's hand was fingering her punani.
Y/n gasped.

Tears coming from her eyes. How could he do this?
Y/n could see mina smirk, she knew I was there.
I didn't even know what was happening.
I ran, ran out.
I had pocket knife with me just in case. I pointed the knife at them to threaten them to stay back and they did.but one of the bodyguards put his knife, in my back. I was in pain with tears.
I didn't care about my belongings. My phone, clothes everything was in the mansion, I didn't care about anything now.
How could he?
Even after all he said yesterday?
Was it a joke to him?
I ran all the way out the mansion to my real parents house.
They welcomed me. But only father was there my mother wasn't there.i wonder why?
With him I went to the nearby hospital....
Then y/n blacked out, in the hospital bed.



jk POV
I didn't even know what I was doing, the last thing I know was mina came to my house then everything was black.

I was at my bedroom and mina was next to me. Wtf!,

Me:what are you doing here?
Mina: u called me and...
She paused.
I saw her covering her naked body.I froze in my place, I was shook. He couldn't process anything.

Did we have...
I gasped again

Mina: what happened daddy?
She smirked.

I was fuming in anger.

I bust through the door to find y/n but she wasn't there.

Shit! Shit! Shit!
It was clear that mina drugged me how could I be this stupid.

I had enough of her and what happened to jeoun, wasn't she with her...
End of jk POV

(A/n: been a long time since povs came in the story so far)

Mina POV
I had enough of been a good gurl!
He will be mine and he doesn't have a choice. If I can't have him, no one can.
I took help from jeoun, since he was blinded by beauty of course!

Me: could you help me get something pls?
I pleaded with puppy eyes.
Jeoun: sure. What is it?
I knew my puppy eyes never failed.
Me: jungkook
Jeoun: what? Why? You know he belong to y/n.
Me: you can get y/n, tho.
Jeoun smirked.
Jeoun: what's the plan...
End of Mina's POV

Jk couldn't believe of what I have done. Jk could feel his eyes darkened.
Jk had enough.
He went back to the room with some boxers on. Jk asked in a raspy and a dark voice.
Jk: did we do anything?
Mina: what do you mean?
Jk went and pulled her hair.
he screamed.
Mina was scared.
Mina: no, we didn't do anything. I promise.
Jk left her hair, harshly.
Jk: why did you do this?
Mina: because I want you, if I can't have you no one can.

Jk smirked.


Whats up
Another update

Thanks for 200 reads

✌️Peace out, motherfuckers ✌️

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