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They were created from impurity,walked in shadows alone from the world...haunted through all centuries but they survived...Welcome to Oatcreek the home of Lavadora's.

On August 1850, Oatcreek experienced a great tragedy. There was a virus outbreak which wiped out half population of the town.They called it the lavadorian virus and it's victims lavadoras.The affected victims develops a certain urge to consume human heart(one could say they are zombies but who eats hearts instead of brains).The affected also develops some special abilities like partial immortality as they could live for centuries,fast healing,hearing words spoken from a distance and the ability to sense fear.These were the reasons they were separated from humans.Whenever they wanted to feed their incisor (fangs) pops out with greenish eyes making them extremely dangerous.
On march 1895 an order was given to wipe out(kill) all remaining victims (Lavadora's) as they wanted to cleanse the town from "demons from hell" as they called them but never was it known to them that a family had survived the purge.
Carlus floggers had been missing since 1895 after the death of his mother while his brother Alan lived at Oatcreek with a normal life just like a human. And the sister greta who school's at Oatcreek high "just for fun" according to her.Alan has a somewhat perfect relationship with paula bryme(daughter of one of the founding families of the town) who works as a blogger at the Oatcreek views site where she tells stories of what happens within the town.
"Another dead body found beside the towns bridge making it six bodies this week" sheriff Tobias tells were they killed? she asked, Heart ripped out and body devoured in pieces and found In many Corners of the seems like he just wanted the heart only and that makes me to think what kinda serial killer rips out the heart of his victims when he could just take the whole body. It could be a wild animal like a bear or something paula replied.The last time Oatcreek experienced such attacks was when the lavadorian virus had many victims on the loose and feeding mercilessly on humans but nobody ever taught that there were survivers from the purge. Sheriff Tobias was worried for his town as he has just been appointed two weeks ago and he vowed to stop whoever was behind the killings. On getting home paula saw some tulips dropped at the entrance of her door, She already knows who it was and waiting for a tight hug from her back"mmmmhmm muahhh" as she kissed Alan while facing him. How was your day my love? he asked, It was nice and hectic me and Tobias had been working on this case...What's the case all about? he asked curiously, it's about the recent murders going on around the town...the killer rips out his victims heart and dismantles their body and we believe he's only interested on their heart. For a moment Alan was lost in his own thoughts, him being a lavadora has been sleep walking in the past one month, could he have been killing those people unknowingly? "babe!...babe! she snaps her fingers at him and got him back to consciousness...Am sorry I was thinking about what you said he explained...were there bite marks on the body of the victims?,Yes Paula agreed...a bite on the chest and traces of sharp claws on his shoulders now the strange aspect is that the autopsy that was carried out on the victim found a saliva which contains a human DNA and also a DNA from an unknown specie how is that even possible? At this moment it occured to Alan that a lavadora was behind these attacks.I have to go...I promised to buy greta launch...Well can i come with you?...No he said, it's kinda a family thingy...sorry babe we could talk about this later I promise "muaah" he kissed her and zoomed off.

Greta was the only daughter of Jonathan floggers...sister to Alan and Carlus and a lesbian who's in love with olivia Sanders (daughter of one of the founding families of the town). She is 122 years having become a lavadora at a very young age.She is a student at the Oatcreek high school (she believes high school is a place for 21st century fun)and a cheerleader of oat hookers of her school."We need to talk" Alan confronts her...about? she asked,how do you spend your time at late hours?...are you high or something? she asked...there's been rampant killings around the town and you've been getting heart thirsty lately...(Greta chuckles) I should be the one asking you this cause you've been sleeping walking lately...I know Alan answered but I don't go into the woods...just because we've found a way to live with this virus for centuries doesn't mean we should start hurting people with it he added...I'm not the one Greta replied...if I wanted to feed on humans I go to the morgue to buy dead bodies...its much easier then she walks out. Deep down Alan knew she wasn't behind those killings but he was curious to find out who was.
On the other part of the town was the Northburts....a family of billionaires who's ancestors were one of the founding fathers of the town...they have a son called Stuart and a daughter ceritha who are both in Oatcreek high. Stuart was a spoiled brat who cared less of others and more of himself, He was hated among his friends and would often get into fights with his uncle Aaron. His gay boyfriend J.K works at the O'oats(a diner which has been in Oatcreek for generations) and would often hangout with each other. "what do I get you? j.k know my usual Stuart how have you been he asked?...worried,curious...something out there has been attacking this town and we are not safe...sheriff Tobias says he's working on it but I think it's much bigger than him...the serial killer is some kinda cannibal or someth...(stuart interrupted with a wild laugh) are you tryna say we are been attacked by vampires?...they are stories for kids not real....all am saying is that this town is no longer safe...Stuart approaches him romantically and gives him a deep kiss..."am here for your baby, nothings gonna happen and they both have their drinks. Paula had finished her work for the day when a strange shadow appeared behind her..."who's there? she asked...there was total silence...she took up a mopstick ready to hit anything that comes behind her. Suddenly a beast-like hand drags her backwards and pulled her to the floor, while struggling for her life the lavadora tore her clothes to shreds with his fangs popped out aiming towards her heart ready to feed on her...she took a jug below the table and smashed it on his head...the lavadora shouted in pains while bleeding out and she ran for her life....

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