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Louis was sitting at his desk in his office, nose buried in files and papers and folders that were scattered all over the elegant glass. There was a huge window front behind him that allowed the bright sunlight to light up the room without electricity.

He had an incredible view over London, but his back was turned to the windows and his focus all on his work. A deep crease was showing between his eyebrows that were pulled together in concentration. He hadn't slept last night, he got distracted with work and mails he had to finish, so his mood was deeper than down.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Louis muttered, keeping his eyes on the papers in front of him when his assistant stepped in, a disgustingly cute smile on his face that looked nothing but forcefully seductive. Louis wanted to die.

His raven black hair was in a neat quiff, his small figure barely filling half of the huge doorframe. The suit stretched over his slightly chubby tummy, fabric wrinkling and throwing sharp shadows.

"Mr. Tomlinson, your intern has just arrived," he said, causing Louis to groan quietly. He totally forgot about that.

The receptionist received that call when Louis was busy, and thought that it was alright with him. He really wanted to kick that lady's wrinkly ass out of this building for assuming that he wanted an infant watching every of his moves from behind his back.

It distracted him. He couldn't concentrate when there was a restless pair of eyes constantly observing what he was doing. He really did not need that.

Especially after his exhausting night.

He rubbed his hand over his face, the light stubble scratching against the roughness of his palm. He hadn't shaved in a few days, he'd been too tired and too busy. No one cared, anyways.

"Tell him to come upstairs. And maybe, like, be rude or something. Maybe he decides to leave early, then."

He really didn't care about the fact that he was the one being rude, he was just exhausted. He didn't need to entertain a little kid, too.

The tie around his neck seemed way too tight and the suit too uncomfortable, his fluffy hair laying on his head messily, not up in a quiff as usual. It made him look a little softer, but his features were still as sharp as knives.

All he wanted was to escape this nightmare of an office and bury his face in the comforting warmth of his pillow, wearing nothing but a loose pair of sweatpants. He really needed a good nap.

His assistant, Jake, nodded and turned around, leaving the door slightly open so the boy, who was for sure going to annoy the fuck out of Louis, would know where to go.

Louis clicked his pen and frustratedly threw it to the side, sliding down on his chair as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He'd need to calm down if he didn't want to freak out right now. He felt the need to rip the paper on his desk into pieces until they were so small that they resembled white, soft sand.

And then light it.

Burn it until there was nothing but a little, black heap of ash left.

He sighed deep in his throat and then stacked the papers up in a neat pile, placing them in the corner of his desk.

Again, there was a knock on the opened door, as if double-checking if it was okay to enter.

Louis rolled his eyes on the inside, but proceeded to let his voice sound like he was a bubbly and motivated, twenty-eight year old businessman that couldn't wait until that wonderful trainee accompanied him.

Reputation was everything, always.

"You can come in!"

He forced himself to look up from the smudgy surface of the glass table as the door creaked, and what he saw almost made him gasp for air.

There was a tall boy standing in the doorframe, maybe about twenty years old, and smiled at him in a coy but confident way. His silk brown hair fell onto his shoulders in sweet ringlets, framing his pretty face perfectly.

His skin was pale, almost porcelain-like, and the contrast of dark hair and light skin was incredibly beautiful, reminding Louis of Snow White. His plump lips were a bright red, bringing out his forest green irises too, and his jawline was to die for.

But what really caught Louis' attention wasn't his face, but rather the rest of his future-intern.

He was wearing a thin, white blouse, printed with little black dots and the buttons weren't completely done, showing off two swallow tattoos and the head of, what Louis assumed, a butterfly or a moth.

The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, letting even more tattoos pop on his milky skin.

The blouse was tucked in the waistband of a sleek black pleated skirt that ended on his upper thigh, exposing his shaven skin and almost even the place where his bum met his thighs. His slim waist brought out the wide, fleshy curves of his hips, seeming almost too feminine to belong to a boy.

A cute little purse was slung around his shoulder, resting on his hip, and his calves were covered by stockings that rose up to just above his knees, tinting his legs in a lovely, soft black shade, mixed with the paleness of his own skin.

He stood in black heels that were reflecting the light of the sun, making his endlessly long legs look even curvier, longer, more feminine.

He could model with that body.

Louis had never seen a boy that pretty before, let alone pulling off those clothes. He bit his lip, feeling his dick twitch in his pants.

"Hello, Mr. Tomlinson", he greeted in a soft voice that was a lot raspier and deeper than Louis had expected, it almost sounded like a sweet hum, and stepped in completely, closing the door behind himself with a quiet sound. His skirt fluttered in the little breeze of fresh air hitting his legs.

Louis didn't really catch anything he'd said, he was just eyeing up and down his slender, perfectly shaped body that was hugged by the soft fabric of his quite uncommon clothes.

"Is there anything wrong, sir?" the voice interrupted Louis' train of thoughts after a good few seconds of silence, snapping him back into reality. It sounded like honey, soft and confident and genuinely interested.

Louis ripped his gaze off of the boy's body and looked him in the eyes instead, standing up from his desk and taking a few steps towards him.

He stood there completely upwards, his posture perfect, and had his hands connected in front of his skirt. He wasn't nervously fiddling with his fingers like everyone else did in front of Louis, he was just smiling at him, like he wasn't someone that stood above the rest of the population.

Louis really had to concentrate to not let his eyes drop to the boy's curves again, staring at every single inch of them like a creep. His tiredness was suddenly blown away, replaced with curiosity and, maybe, a tiny wave of sexual frustration.

"No, I just got lost in thoughts, I'm sorry," Louis shook his head, stopping a few feet away from the student. He was, due to his (at least four inch) heels, a little taller than Louis. "Much work to do. What's your name?"

The corner of the younger one's mouth twitched upwards, forming a mix of a smile and a friendly smirk. He'd noticed Louis' staring, but he was used to it. Everyone stared at him, no matter where he was. But he didn't care, he liked the way he looked in his clothes and he wouldn't stop wearing them just because some people thought they weren't fitting his gender.

"I'm Harry," he answered, looking up and down Louis' body and licking his lips in the process, coating them with a layer of shiny spit. He really hadn't expected his boss to be that hot.

Louis was too focused on Harry's face to notice, anyways. The way his curved lips were moving around soft words was too much for his mind in that moment.

"Harry", he repeated slowly, nodding the slightest bit, "I'll show you around a little, then."

My new story guysss

I had this idea in the middle of nowhere and just wrote this down so imma see where it'll go

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