i. Stupid Conscience

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Hi guys! Thank you so much for giving this book a chance. Just a friendly reminder, most of this book is in a girl's point of view, but some of them are in the guy's. Unless stated, the chapter will be in the girl's pov. However, this first chapter is the guy's pov. Thanks! Happy Reading!

Chapter 1

My foot lands in a puddle of mud. I let out a string of curses as I can feel the liquid seep through my shoe. Am I out here because I want to? No. My little brother Adrian had somehow convinced me that we needed Cheerios, of all things.

Our money was tight, but I supposed that I could spare some money for his Cheerios. As I walk through the doorway, drops of water land on my hair. Today is really not my day. I finally come across the snack Adrian wanted.

I pull my wallet out when I near the cash register. Sighing internally, I think to myself, I really need to go back to the arena. Or I could get a job. Who am I kidding? Of course not. All the jobs I had worked had not been pleasant. I look up when the cashier girl-lady person starts talking.

"Hi sir! Did you find everything alright today?" She smiles and bats her eyelashes in a way she probably thought was flirtatious. It really wasn't.

"Yes, I did." I really wanted to leave at this point.

"Oh, I was hoping you'd say no," The girl says. "Because you don't have my number." Her giggle makes me cringe.

Sighing, I slide my wallet back into my pocket and give the girl a slight nod. She giggles again and proceeds to say, "Oh, and my name is Caitlin, what's yours?"

"Nice to meet you, Kassidy. Have a nice day." I grab Adrian's Cheerios and make my way towards the door. I can hear her yelling behind me, but I don't turn around. I had had enough of today and I just wanted to leave.

Before I can reach the door, a crash sounds across the room, and I look toward the cause of the sound. A woman's bag had broken in two and all of its contents had spilled out onto the floor.

No one seems to want to give her a hand with her items. I shake my head and walk over to help her put her items into another bag. If only I hadn't. She looks up at me and smiles her thanks. I freeze as I catch a glimpse of her face. The woman is the CFO of some hotshot business and her husband is the CEO of the same business. I want to roll my eyes. Of course it's the upper class.

"Thank you so much for helping." She slings her massive purse over her shoulder. "How can I repay you?"

I'm somewhat taken aback at her suggesting that she pay me back for helping her. But as tempting as it sounds, I'm not going to take money from any upper class person.

"Er, there's no need." I tell her. However, the lady doesn't seem to know how to take no for an answer.

"Oh, yes, I forgot, but my daughter needs a tutor for her math. Otherwise she'll fail this year at school. You don't happen to excel at math?" Oh great. Just what I needed, to spend more time with these selfish idiots.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but-" I get cut off before I can even finish my sentence before the lady jumps right back in.

"We'll pay you and everything. Lunch and dinner is both provided. Okay, I think you know where we live, but here's the address just in case. Be here tomorrow at 9:30 sharp. Thank you again." Then she just walks off. Just like that.

I groan to myself as I walk back to the apartment Adrian and I stay at. As soon as I unlock the door, my seven year old brother launches himself in my arms. I give the babysitter a nod and pay her. She greedily stares down at the wad of cash and shoots out the door faster than I could comprehend. I turn my attention back to Adrian as he jumps back with his hands on his hips with a demanding expression.

"Where are my Cheerios?" He pouts. "Axel, I thought you were going to get me them." At this point he's whining and pulling my arm down.

"Adrian, they're right here." I pull the Cheerios from the crook of my arm and hand him the treat.

He squeals in delight and dashes off into the kitchen to probably stuff himself to the brink of exploding. Wait, he's going to explode if I don't stop him.

"Adrian!" I yell as I head into my bedroom.

"What!" He yells back from the kitchen. But due to his current state of eating, it comes out as "Mwaht!"

I laugh and tell him to save space in his stomach for dinner, because the Cheerios were going to last for a month. As soon as I finish my sentence, I hear him complaining about how mean I was.

Laughing again, I change out of my dirtied clothes and head to the kitchen to make dinner for the two of us. Ever since our parents had passed away when I was nine and Adrian only seven months old, the only people at the dinner table was me and him. It's always been that way, and always will. We may seem lonely, but he's the only company I ever need.

Although he's constantly annoying me, I love him more than anything. And I know that the same thing goes for Adrian, even if neither of us act like it.

"AXEL! AXEL! AXEL!" Adrian is yelling into my ear, probably shattering my poor eardrums.

"Adrian! I can hear you!" I tell him. He's practically bouncing on the floor as he holds my phone out to me.

"Phone's ringing," He shoves the device into my hand.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Hello, this is Aubrey Delaney." The woman's falsetto voice burns through my ears again. It's the woman from the store that forced me to tutor her daughter.

"Oh, hi. How do you have my number?" I cringe as I hadn't meant to sound rude, but it came out pretty rude.

"There are perks whenever you have a high ranking job." She says. I roll my eyes and she goes on before I can speak.

"I wanted to remind you that my daughter isn't the easiest to handle. So thank you so much for tutoring her." She rambles.

"Oh, it's no problem." It was a very big problem. The only reason I was going to do it was because of the free food.

"Mrs. Delaney?" I start out.

"Hmm?" I hear over the phone.

"May I bring along my brother? He can't stay home alone or else he'll be bouncing off the walls." I tell her.

"Yes, that is not a problem at all. We're looking forward to meeting you!" She chirps happily. When Aubrey hangs up, I want to chuck my phone at the nearest wall, but then I would have to get it fixed, which costs money.

If only I hadn't listened to my conscience. Then I wouldn't be in this mess. My conscience shouldn't exist at all. I groan and hit my forehead against the cool wood of the kitchen table. Adrian wanders over and asks chirpily, "What's wrong?"

I make eye contact with him, "We're going somewhere tomorrow, kid."

He pouts and looks at his Cheerios longingly, "But I want to-"

"Kid, there's food involved." Once I utter that sentence, his attitude takes a full 180 and he dashes off to start eating the mac and cheese I had laid out on the table.


"Goodnight Axel!" Adrian snuggles against his pillow and he's fallen asleep before I've even turned off the light. I smile at his small frame before I turn in the direction of my room.

Pulling out the business card the woman had given me, I look at it closely. It reads-

Aubrey Delaney

CFO of the Delaney Firm

Phone number: 764-492-2103

Email: delaney.aubrey (gmail)

I think to myself, Axel, what have you gotten yourself into?

A/N: Hey guys, I dunno if this chapter was good or not. So please comment feedback and what I can do better. Also I would love it if you guys can vote if you like this, comment, and share!

See y'all later :)

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