Chapter Sixteen: Valencia

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"Guys, I think we're clear-" Valencia looked back as Maythus began talking, only to watch in horror as he crumpled to the ground. There was an arrow sticking out of his abdomen, and blood was rapidly seeping from the wound.

"Maythus!" she cried, rushing forward.

"We need to keep going," Kane shook his head, pushing Valencia forward. "I'll get Maythus, you two keep running!"

Valencia stumbled after Maddi, who was in the lead. Kane lifted up Maythus with a grunt, carrying him bridal-style as they continued to sprint away from the Noxi. Valencia looked back after a few minutes, relieved to see that they weren't following.

"I think we're safe now," Kane panted, setting down Maythus on the forest floor.

"I can't believe they shot him," Maddi cried, rushing over to see her brother. His eyes fluttered weakly, but he didn't stir. She glanced up. "Valencia, you have to heal him."

Valencia felt a large weight appear on her shoulders. She was the only healer in the group, and Maythus's life was in her hands. If she failed, he would die.

"I- I don't know," she faltered, kneeling beside him. "What if I mess up? What if I make it worse? What if-"

She was cut off by Kane, "You'll do fine. You're meant to be a healer, so just do what comes naturally to you."

Valencia wanted so badly to tell him right then and there that he was wrong, that healing and channeling were what came naturally to her—how was she supposed to become this great healer that they all expected her to be when she had to deal with two abilities? As she looked down at Maythus, her heart threatened to beat itself out of her chest. He wasn't going to die on her watch, at least, not without her trying to save him first.

As Maythus's breathing grew weaker and the pool of blood surrounding his body grew larger, Valencia closed her eyes, trying to relax herself.

"Okay, here's the plan," she finally said, calm enough to get to work. It was like another person had possessed her brain, giving her the clarity and energy she needed to heal. "Maddi, you're going to hold him still in case he wakes up and lashes out. Kane, on the count of three, you're going to pull out the arrow. Got it?"

The two of them nodded, but Maddi hesitated, "Are you sure you can do this?"

Valencia nodded, "I'm positive." It was strange how confident she felt, given her lack of experience with healing. She had healed cuts and scrapes—even a stab wound during her training, but there were much higher stakes this time around, especially because there wasn't another healer waiting in case Valencia couldn't handle it.

"Ready?" she looked up to Kane, who nodded. "One, two, three!"

Kane ripped out the arrow and blood came gushing out of the wound. Maythus flinched, screaming in pain. He tried to thrash away, but Maddi held him still, pressing his shoulders to the ground.

Valencia got to work, stretching her hands out over the hole. She was surprised to find that it was much harder to manipulate at night, when there was less light around. Even still, it was like her senses were sharpened in this focused state, as if she were born to work under pressure. Valencia could feel the buzzing in the air around her, despite the darkness in the sky. She harnessed the energy, commanding it to do what she wanted.

Her hands began to glow as she controlled the light, directing it towards Maythus's wound. She imagined the fibers of his skin weaving together, the skin scabbing over and slowly fading back to its normal color and texture. Almost instantaneously, the wound glowed as it healed, going through the same process that Valencia pictured in her mind. Within seconds, it was completely sealed over.

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