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^^Inspired By the Pic above

Also Enjoy my cool title font. 

Which one of my other stories do you want me to update next?

Not pairing

Enjoy x

Dec walked over to Ant excitedly, they had just finished rehearsals for the next series of Saturday Night Takeaway and Dec had got a call from Ali.

"Hey Ant, Guess What?!" Dec asked happily.

"What Dec?" Ant sighed.

"I got a call from Ali!"

"'course ya did Dec, She's our manager!"

"Yeah, but she didn't call you did she?"

"No I guess not." Ant said. He loved Dec dearly, but sometimes he wasn't the brightest person he'd ever met. "When are you gonna ask her out Decs, you clearly like her."

"Ask Her Out?! How could you even say that! I'm not gonna ask her out, I am going to play hard to get and eventually she will be the one asking me out!"

Ant chuckled at Dec's confidence. "See Dec, This is why you are single, man! Be a grownup and ask her out!"

"Oh Ant you will never understand... Besides you are single too."

"I won't be for long." Ant laughed at Dec's confused face. 

Ant laughed at Dec for a while and Dec smiled at Ant's laughter. Before They hugged each other in temporary goodbye. 

"See you later for Stephen's party yeah?" Ant asked Dec.

"Oh yeah, I gotta get ready. What should I wear?" 

"look smart, but not a full blown suit. Simple, but nice. Ali will be there." Ant said and winked at Dec. 

"Oh come off it. See you later. Bye."

"Bye." Ant finished, and then the two of them went their separate ways for the time being.

Ant stood in front of his mirror and smiled. He wasn't going to be single anymore, he really liked Holly and he intended on asking her on a date. He didn't want to be rude to Dec and he hoped that if his plan with Holly worked out, Dec would have enough courage to go for Ali. But Dec was stubborn and Ant didn't have very high hopes for the smaller man.

Ant got out of his house and hopped in his car and they headed to Dec's house. Dec was only a little late which confused Ant, normally Dec was around 30 minutes late. They two men conversed lightly before stepping out and into the pub that Stephen had rented out for the party. Ant & Dec walked inside and immediately started mixing with the other guests. After a few drinks and listening to several amusing stories. Ant and Dec met up again in a secluded corner. They just kind of stood there silently in the corner and Dec noticed that Ant was eyeing Holly who was across the room talking to Philip. Ant handed his bottle of beer to Dec and said, "Watch and Learn my friend." 

Dec watched curiously as Ant walked over to Holly and Phil he talked to the two of them for about a minute before Philip walked away. 

Ant then turned to Holly and began to talk to her pausing to smile every so often. Dec saw Holly giggle and Ant scooted closer to Holly and she laughed some more. Holly took a turn speaking and Ant hovered only a few inches away from her. Holly didn't seem to mind and kept talking while the two of them laughed. Dec's jaw dropped when he realised what Ant was doing. 

Then Ant said something brief to Holly and she looked surprised for a minute but then she was happy again and then Ant and Holly linked arms and walked over to Dec. 

"Are you serious Ant?!" Dec gaped. Ant smirked at Dec's shocked expression, he was clearly in his scrappy doo mode now. 

"I told you to watch in learn, now what did you learn?" Ant asked.

"I learned the Ant McPartlin is a tithead." Ant knew that Dec didn't mean it and shook it off. He then walked away to talk to Holly more. Dec looked at Ant annoyed before looking at Ali and taking a deep breath...

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