Chapter 7: Lurking

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Arthit POV

As usual outside the Pink Café was crowded. Bright grabbed my arm as we drew near the Café. "We're not going here." I said.

I only have small amount of money right now. I didn't want to spend it on the Pink Milk, so I was fighting off my cravings.

Eventually, because of Bright's insistence, we ordered Pink milk and his was iced coffee.

We sat on the spot next to the floor to ceiling window that overlooked the street.

P'Aun entered the café and waved a hand to us as he lined up in the counter.

"P'Aun is such a bitch." He said, sipping on the iced coffee while he glared at him.

"If you will walk up and punch Perfect Aun's face, then our internship would be over."

"He invited me to a demon hunting meeting and I was asked with questions about the Battle of Graiville event." Said Bright. "I've been attacked by girls!"

"Well, no one can resist the handsome Khai. Don't worry you won't fight those little ladies clawing at you." I said, giving him a feline grin.


The dinner had been fantastic with roast turkey, they were chopped. Kongpob cooked it. "Did P'Tum tell you?"

"Tell me about what?" Kong asked as he sat across the table.

"He's getting married this weekend, we should come." I said, stuffing the turkey meat into my mouth.

"Really?" Kong chuckled. "Okay, I'm going."

While eating, I caught a hint of emotion on his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I just have so many to think..."

"You look like you're going to punch a wall."

Kong raised his eyebrows. "When your angry" I explained. "Your eyes gets this cold vibe. Different."

"I'm okay."

"If you have to say something...then say it." I drawled.

"I'm going to the dark dimension." Kong said.

There was an uneasiness silence in the table. "Kong, remember what I told you that you're not meeting your brother there."

"It had been three years, P'. Who knows what he's planning to do." Said Kong.

"I'm worried about you."

"You don't have to be—"

"Kong, listen!" I raised my voice and it startled him. "Do you even think about us? About your father? About our friends? About Me?"

"Of course." He said, his voice a little upset. "But this is my family, I'm talking. If only...If only I knew what he's going to become, I could've avoided this. Last summer every night, I found my father drinking, apprehensive when P'Trae will return."

"You don't even know what your brother is capable of."

"You don't even know him." Kong spat.

My temper broke free from its leash. "He isn't a human, Kong. Hellgods have no mercy over wizards. He is not the same person as he was before."

Kong's lip thinned. "Is that what you really think?"

"Well," I snarled at him. "Let me tell you what I think, Kongpob. I think you're used to overthink about your brother because you choose to live normal. You can fight that destiny."

"Can I really avoid it?" Kong said, more to himself.

I stood from the table and shouldered my bag. Kong followed me through the hall. "I'm not having this conversation right now."

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my dorm. I'm just warning you that this is dangerous. I can't risk..." I bit my lip while my hand was already on the knob, forcing myself not to crack. "I can't risk losing you."

Kong opened his mouth, and closed it again. I turned and was already striding off.

Third POV

Checking my phone, It was eight in the evening and I've told Bright that I needed to go to the Scarlet Blade underground base in the university.

So, I won't be having dinner with him.
I wrapped myself in my jacket as I enter the underground, though it had merely one lightbulb.

I managed to spot the unused weaponry section.

I grabbed everything the supplies I needed and I turned to the corner, going back to the Scarlet Blade common room.

With the chilling night, it wasn't a surprise to see someone with a hood drawn over his face.

But something about the figure standing between the common room made some part of me send a cautionary pulse in my veins.

The person agitated its head, swiveling toward my direction.
Outside the window, drizzles fell, tainting against the glass.

The person cracked its head, made a sniffling animal sound.

I didn't move.

There were plenty of ghost roaming in the campus, but it didn't trouble the students.

A faint warm bloomed in my waist, then a throbbing blue light.

My own whip was glowing.

The Gunslinger weapon would glow if they could sense danger ahead.

The thing stopped, and I held my breath.

It hissed and it went back to the corridor beyond the building.

When the thing was gone. It didn't leave a trace. Not even footsteps.

I didn't go in the corridor, I got up to the stairs and went to the second floor, making my way to the other side of the building.

Though, I kept telling myself that I'd imagined it, that I was just hallucinating because I've been killing myself with thoughts about Khai's ex girlfriend; Lisa.

Arthit POV

I jerked awake at the sound of my alarm clock and found myself sweating despite the cold evening and the rain hitting the roof. A nightmare of teeth and daggers. I thought. It was just a nightmare.

It was odd that I had fallen asleep after our argument. I sat up, my head aching.

The brightness of my phone made me look. Kongpob had 72 messages and 20 missed calls, and I ignored it earlier until sleep took over me.

The nightmare probably triggered by hearing that my boyfriend was coming to the dark dimension to finish P'Trae.

I clenched my teeth. His job, his real job was to slay hellgods.

I had been furious on my way to my own dorm about what he would do.

I shook off the last bit of the dreadful thought and got into my bathroom.

Washing my face with cold water, I caught a glimpse of weariness.

Kongpob, please don't do this.

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