Chapter 12: The Chase

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Third POV

"Looks like you didn't gain that much, boy." A voice said from behind. Arthit and the rest of the gang went after Khai. 

I knew that this man was behind all of the ruckus today and the murders. I dared to look at his face, that face of terror, that face of what made my confidence die. He had an X scar on his right cheek. 
My whip glided in the air as I turned around fast, a wave of raging anger burst out in me. Jack Gunslinger, the famous Blacksmith in our family stood at the gaping hole of the walls. 

The whip came flying above my head, almost slicing his knees. But he leaped off the air, aimed the gun he carried at me. a bullet sliced through my forehead as I slid off under the long table, into the narrow bookshelves, and kicking the door. 

I hit the mezzanine floor. The people inside the library echoed their surprise upon seeing my bloody face.  Jack knocked the door open, and his chuckle sprang inside the library. Screams and running footsteps began to hurt my ears while I stayed where I am. 

At this rate, I'm gonna lose Khai and the entire gang. "Come out wherever you are, you little rat. Time to exterminate those who aid the lost Prince! Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots pierced into my left and right, far from here. 

"It's been a while, P'Jack. Never thought you'd join the Guardians. So instead of doing some decent job, you're following a king who has evil deeds." A wicked grin slid across my lips. 

"People like me do some hobbies that you kids would never understand. Ops, that accidentally slipped out my mouth. You're so short that I've forgotten how old you are." Jack said. "I'd never thought that I'd be seeing you in action after you failed in the University games a few years ago.

But those tricks I've taught you is now in such a good use. Didn't I tell you what happens to little pest like you? No matter where you go, you'd be surrounded by Striga demons or the King's guardians.

I'm starting to understand why you'd join the Scarlet you could survive and live your own life peacefully. I just didn't expect you'd get involved with the Queen's bastard child."

"Yeah." The weapon in my hand fully materialized, a shotgun. I flopped it on the table and the bullet shot at him. With Gunslinger reflexes, he tossed the table right in his face. Unfortunelt, the impact sent him towards the bookshelves. 

"Still cocky about your skills, P'Jack?" I said at his fallen body before I ran for the main door. 

Kong POV 

"I heard gunshots." I said, staring at the Eleventh north building.

"Me too" Pete replied. Our eyes met.

"Hey, there''s P'Third!"Third was running so fast under the building we're in. Third clashed with the Striga Demon, not paralyzing him at all.

His blade and the demon's claw sprinkled in showers of sparks. Third pushed himself until its blade cuts through the demon's torso. 

The smoke faded as the creature's black blood splattered on the ground. Third sensed us from below. "Catch those demons!" P'Arthit appeared from another corner of the street. 

"Aye!" Pete and I raced through from buildings to buildings while P'Arthit and P'Third were in the street. "Third!" P'Arthit shrieked at him as P'Third recklessly sprang at the demons, after the demon which he had P'Bright on its shoulder.

His sword shimmered violently as he flew in the air and shot himself down like a meteor. He gave the demons who blocked their way a hell of sharp cuts.


I seized the crystal dagger from the inside of my jacket and plunged it into the cloaked figure.

I looked over wildly and saw the Prince, holding a magical orb and slamming it at those demons.

They snarled at us. I curled my fingers over my crystal dagger, gripping it hard. 

Was P'Bright safe? Hopefully he was.

The street was eerily empty. Civilians have evacuated this part. It took an ounce of will power to stand beside Two because we're the only ones fending ourselves.

Kong POV

Pete followed me down. My fire magic coursed through me, screaming and writhing in my veins. Through the chaos, it latched one Striga.

They're much vulnerable with my flames now. Pete released metal spikes in the ground, stabbing three demons. 

P'Bright was still ahead. It was impossible for us to reach him but we have to try at least. "Kong!" Pete tossed the demon in my direction, swinging the Hellbreaker in my hand and tackled the demon down before striking its head.

Two more of those cloaked wizards were coming. Swords drawn and flashed against the sunlight.

P'Arthit dashed towards to me and Pete, fighting back to back formed a duo of iron and fire, hacking every demon who managed to sneak past.

I shouted P'Arthit's name but there was no time to warn him. P'Arthit threw himself at the wizards.

Sparks ignited at their weapons as they clashed, P'Arthit got past between them. 

They backflipped over like in a slow motion style. The sight was incredible, had me gripping on my Hellbreaker more tightly, swallowing my panic. One went down, but the other landed perfectly like P'Arthit.

They faced each other with a sneer. 

The shadow curse mark pulsed on his arm, tentacles of shadows hurled the red haired woman, htting her against the wall. The hood of the other wizard sagged over his head, revealing a man with a X scar on his right cheek. 

"Shadow curse." The man hissed, assesing him. Then, he charged at P'Arthit. A gust of wind magic slammed into us and I closed my eyes, trying to block the dirt swinging at our faces. When the wind cleared, the man swirled in midair, kicking Pete then his dagger angled towards me. 

"Look out!" P'Arthit cried, and the dagger clashed with my Hellbreaker.  The man was quick, I grunted in pain as his dagger grazed on my forearm, cutting my sleeves and drawing my blood.

I reached into myself, reaching into the depths of my Hellgod magic. And I found the last piece of it.

The Hellbreaker amplified with the crimson flames, swiping the sword uward, nearly chopping off the man's ear.

He gave me one last good look before he joined the rest of his team.

P'Arthit fired off the shadow tentacles, his expression bleeding of lethal calm.  P'Arthit clipped his legs around the man's neck, spinning over before he sliced the last shadow spikes into the the man's flesh.

We routed to the left where Kao and Two were fighting off those weirdos in cloak. Kao spun, knocking a few of them with his crystallized weapon. Poisoning from the bite of his sword.

A dark tunnel was a few meters away, the Striga Demons crawling at the walls, the cloaked wizards skidding across the top of the building before they vanished into darkness.

An arrow whizzed past P'Third and struck the ground. He was going after those jerks. An arm refrained him to go inside the dark tunnel. P'Arthit kept blocking P'Third. "Third, don't follow them! You'll get yourself killed!"

P'Third made a muffled and a protesting noise, Arthit still not moving. "Arthit, let go of me! Khai needs our help! Khai needs our help!!!"

P'Arthit shot out a choke from P'Third's aggressive arms.

Dread, pain, and rage coated in his eyes, He was catching his breath, eager to go after P'Bright. P'Third's scream echoed in the tunnel; "KHAAAIII!!!!!!"

The hair on my neck rose when I realized that the street had gone silent. A twinge of sympathy rang in me.

P'Arthit caught his elbows before he toppled. "Arthit..." Sobs trembled in P'Third's voice as if he was pleading P'Arthit. " me."

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