chapter 3 : reunited 「再会する」

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Walking through the halls, then reaching for the door knob. Taking a deep breath as the door knob was twisted open.

Sitting down on the chair and nervously waiting for 'his' greeting.
'He'was sitting on a chair as he slowly turns around to face the boy, who called to talk to him. 'He' puts his book down and greeted the boy in a bored and uninterested tone, as he would alway sound like.

"What do you want, brat? " 'He' said getting straight to the point.

"I'd like to ask you...if I could enroll in school. I know I've asked this multiple times, but I really want to-" The boy's beg was then cut off by the man, who had just sighed. The man gave the boy a concerned and unsure face "look.. I really would let you go attend school but I'm afraid, you could attract alot of attention due to your popularity. You've already got exposed enough to the public. Fans and none fans could hurt you and the people you know in school in some type of way. Plus I don't know if-"

"I'll be careful. " The boy answered with such hope and plead in his eyes.
The man looked at him as he thought deeply about this. After a few minutes, the man sighed.

"Alright. I'll allow you to go to school. But ONLY IF YOU BE VERY CAREFUL ON WHAT YOU DO. Every action you make can give a big impact to you and others. A really big one... " The man said as his voice got lower on the last sentence.

The boy instantly looked at the man in shock, he never expected him to agree. He jumped up excitedly as he thanked the man multiple times.

"Alright alright enough with this. Here is a list of schools . We have time so you don't need to rush-" The man said half way, as the boy pushes the list away . The man gave the boy a confused look as he tries to give it to him again, but then it was pushed aside by the boy once again.

"I already have a school in mind! " The boy smiled widely at the even more confused man.

"And that is? "

"Kamome Academy"


(Yashiro's pov)

Just another normal day in school.

I am now currently chatting with Aoi-chan, while few of my male classmates pretended to be chickens while chasing each other. I am starting to have the feeling they're some what preschoolers-
Akane on the other hand did not participate in such event, instead he decided to stare at Aoi-chan , as he admires her lovingly. Ah his daily routine.

After a few minutes, our sensei Hayu Kyuhiro,arrived and we all stood up to greet him, as we ignore the whole 'chicken chasing' thing from awhile ago. "おはようございます(good morning). Everyone please sit down" Everyone obeyed and sat down on their seats. "Today we have a new student ." Sensei announced. Everyone started chatting  to each other about this. It was a big surprise to have a new student. I tapped on my chin as I thought of the possibilities on who this new student could be, girl? Boy? Gentleman? Handsome boy? Sensitive?

I squealed in excitement, I hope it's a boy student! Not that I would mind a girl student though. The whole class was filled with chatter, and sensei wasn't too happy about it. He really needed some silence, he doesn't get paid enough for this-

"Settle down , settle down. It was very rude of you all to cut me off, I haven't even introduced the boy" Sensei said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

A boy?! Yes!

Everyone stopped chatting and instantly faced their attention to their sensei. Sensei then cleared his throat as he continues "now please treat this student like how you treat everyone else, alright?"

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