chapter 4: stuck with you 「あなたと立ち往生しています」

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Here is chapter 4 , everyone 👀
Sorry for not posting as often.. (◞‸◟ㆀ)
I've been stressing out lately and exams are coming. I've been wasting my time studying 日本人 instead of studying mathematics which I absolutely suck at.
Anyways enough about me, I'm a very uninteresting person and I wouldn't want you all to read my pile

Some errors warning

Made in :2020年10月11日

"母! (Haha=mom) I'm leaving for school now! " Yashiro screamed from the front door. She was about to run off to school but was then stopped by her mother rushing to her with her bento. "don't forget your bento, sweetheart" Her mother smiled softly and handed Yashiro, her bento . Yashiro thanked her mom and bid her farewell, as she sets off on her journey to school.

Yashiro walked to school all by herself, it were days like these that she wished she should have agreed to walk with the little mokkes to school. That way she wouldn't feel so lonely . Aoi would sometimes walk with Yashiro , but those were rare occasions, since Aoi walks with Akane to school everyday . And our dear daikon didn't want to ruin their moment, since it felt as if she was third wheeling. She let out an exhausted sigh and just continued walking, not minding her surroundings.

The sound of a bicycle could be heard coming closer to her direction, but Yashiro just shrugged it off as some cyclist going on a morning ride. "Yashiro! " A familiar voice stopped her by her tracks. She instantly turned around , as a smile creped up on her lips. "Hanako-kun! おはようございます。" she beamed as she walked closer to the ravenette. " Yashiro, おはようございます~"(ohayogozaimasu= good morning) Hanako replied with his iconic smirk that he seems to use almost everytime he meets her. Today however Hanako had a different look , he had a mask covering his face . Which of course made the daikon puzzled, I mean who wears a mask when going to school? "Eh? Hanako-kun, why are you wearing that mask? It's covering your face. " The daikon questioned. The idol's smirk grew even wider as he tilted his head innocently.

"Eh? What's this? Did Yashiro miss my face that much? My my my I'm quite flattered-"

"You know what? Keep it on. "
Yashiro eyed Hanako , looking as pissed as ever. He scratched the back of his head and just chuckled nervously as he had was indeed regretting his decision "hahaha... " . Yashiro huffed in annoyance , she really didn't want to deal with his already existing ego, especially not in the early morning. "Anyways Hanako-kun, why are you wearing that mask ? Anything special? " The still angry daikon huffed. The idol just laughed and shook his head. "Nah nothing special, I'm just keeping a low profile , I can't let people know it's me. " Yashiro stared at him in disbelief . "If you're keeping a low profile then why not use a car-" She asked him as she was puzzled at his logic. Hanako just gazed at her for a few seconds and then just smiled "I need some fresh air, I don't want to arrive to school like some type of celebrity even if I am one- plus back then sensei didn't let me go off by myself that often , now that he's FINALLY trusting me on doing things myself. I can finally go to school like other people. Also people are blind, they won't find out it's me." Hanako cheered, as he clapped his hands together.

'Sensei?' Yashiro thought to herself. What does that have to do with permission in going out? Yashiro gave Hanako one last glace before she continued on with her walk to school. "Well then, it was nice talking to you Hanako-kun! See you in class" Yashiro started to walk as Hanako quickly picked up his pace and stopped her. "Eh? You're going to school? All by yourself?! " Hanako held both of her shoulders tightly as he stared at her seriously. Yashiro just sighed and tried to remove his hold but failed. "Well I have no one to walk with me to school. Aoi always walks with Akane and Kou always walks to school with Mitsuba . I didn't want to be the third wheel so I decided to walk to school all by myself everyday." Hanako loosen his hold on her and crossed his arms on his chest "you know that's dangerous right? What if someone kidnaps you? Or worse? " Hanako-kun tried to reason.

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