chapter 5: friday twist「金曜日のひねり」

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It was a friday, usually would be one of the most amazing day in a week, but oh how the tables had turned . She was very disappointed for how today turned out.

(Yashiro's POV)
The beeping noise of an alarm clock could be heard on my desk. As the sunlight that made it's way through my window blinded me . I groaned in annoyance and frustration, as I turned off my alarm clock and closed the blinds slightly. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom to get ready. After getting all dressed out, I skipped onwards downstairs, humming the melody of one of Hanako-kun's song.
Today's going to be a good day-
Unfortunately, I wasn't paying much attention , my foot had been caught in a small hole causing me to loose my balance and come rolling down the stairs. I landed face first onto the cold hard floor,I groaned in pain as I tried to stand back up. Rubbing my forehead that stinged like a bee, I mumbled a few words "it's ok... I'm sure the rest of the day will be better.. "  . Standing straight up as I held my bag in one hand, I walked into the kitchen expected to be greeted by my wonderful mother. But then was greeted with nothing but pure silence. Wondering my eyes around the room, a note was sitting in front of a plate of onigiris that had caught my eye. I approached it and took the note in my hands.

Dear sweetheart,

I'm sorry for not being able to greet you today. It has appeared I am needed to head to work early and go on a business trip for a week...... But don't worry! I made breakfast for you today and placed extra money for you to spend, inside a little pouch that is placed on your desk . I'll be sure to buy delicious foods when I come back home. Love you , darling~


  I crumbled the note and threw it into the bin, I sighed  as I went towards the mouth watering onigiris prepared by my mom. A hand on my cheek as I took an onigiri and munched onto it. 'Don't worry it's just a week anyways, don't let that ruin your perfect day!'  I cheered myself up as I quickly munched on these onigiris. I quickly went towards the cupboard and took out a pair of white base shoes . I wore both of them excitedly as I twerled around out of joy. 'Fridays are always the best days of the week nothing will ever change my mind!  ' I thought to myself. My hand reached for the doorknob, but all of a sudden my phone vibrates. Changing my attention, I took my phone in one hand as I checked through my notifications.

1 new Message
(✨Hanako kun "hentai=pervert"🌕)

   'Eh? New message?? Why would he text me when we are just about to meet each other' I thought to myself , suspiciously caressing my chin. I quickly clicked on the notification, which led me to him to his message .

✨花子くん 「変態」🌕

ねえ。。。(nee=hey) ごめんなさい(gomennasai=Sorry) Yashiro. I will not be going to school today, something came up, but I promise to talk to you later,   はい ? (Hai=yes)  don't miss me too much ,だいこん~♡ (daikon=radish)

  I puffed my cheeks as I  threw my phone into my bag. I approach the door and twisted it aggressively. My feet stomped loudly as i walked out of the house. ' miss him? No I don't miss him! I can go to school myself! ' I reached school in a flury as I entered the classroom. Sitting down on my seat , I sighed as my right hand supported my now leaning face. Classes had just started and  everyone was fully ready for today's lesson, except me, u was still frustrated. We opened up our science textbook page 85 , we were now learning about "星座(seize=constellations) ". Flipping my attention to the given page, I stumbled across a picture of the bright being moon in my textbook, it's features made me think about those big sparkling amber orbs of Hanako-kun. I shook my head and brushed it off.

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