Chapter Seven

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Author Note:
I'm doing a three month timelapse because I don't want a bunch of chapters to be fillers and then have a huge event. So this chapter is taking place three months after the baby was born.

Sadie POV

"Almost done, Sweety.", I say in
A baby voice. I was currently changing Avery(nickname). Cameron was at the last meet and greet since Magcon had just broken up. I was laying Averalynn down for her nap when my phone started buzzing non-stop. I went to go look at what was causing my phone to go hay wire. It was a bunch of Twitter notifications. I unlock my iPhone and enter the app. Hate. Hate. Hate. I was confused. Why was this happening out of nowhere? I haven't done anything recently for this to happen. I started reading some of them.
Dirty slut bag
There was so much. And still more coming. I threw my phone to the ground, letting the screen crack. But not breaking. I heard Avery crying so i just leave everything where it is and go take care of her.

Cameron's POV

The last meet and greet went
By fast. I can't these boys and I aren't going to do this anymore. But it's not like I'm leaving the Internet. As I'm driving home my phone starts to blow up with Twitter notifications. Of corse I don't read them because I'm driving but one caught my eye.
@hatersaccount: @camerondallas your wife is a laughing stoke. Did she pay you to sleep with her?
I pulled over and called Sadie.

No answer. I speed off home in ten minutes I arrived. I barge in and see Sadies phone cracked on the floor. "Sadie? I'm home. Where are you?", I shouted. I go into our bedroom and see that she fell asleep with Avery in her arms. I smiled at the sight and took a picture. I'm guessing that sadie saw the tweets. I looked at her feed and saw it full of hate and threats. I see that she is not cut anywhere, that's exposed so that's good. I go and pick Avery up and take her to her room. I put Sadie under the comforters and slide under with her.

I know short one guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but I have a lot going on. But I will update soon. Bye. <3

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