Madly Dispositioning

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"And then we went to this beautiful village near-"

"Elixir get off me!" He shouted loud enough for her to still. She stared at him, openly shocked but he didn't back down his glare.

Octavius released his relief when she finally stepped off from his lap.

He had barely opened the front door when Elixir squealed in delight, totally by passing the fact he was half naked, answering her door. She had just jumped on him, making him falter his steps back near the sofa, talking his ear off.

He had tried to wrench her hold from him but she went on and on. Talking about this and that not even caring that he almost stumbled and managed to not trip on his feet by falling behind on the couch.

Which caused his confusion greatly deepening. He asked her. "Didn't you get my message?"

She was playing with her hair, when she finally really looked at him. It took in his bare chest, and for some reason he hated how he saw slight desire peering in her eyes.

"What message, Octi?"

His response was sharp and acute. "My message! I sent it to you about-"

"Wait why are you half naked in my house?" As if the realization just dawned on her, she clamped a hand over her mouth. "Are you cheating on me with my sister?"

Wait, wait. Hold the fuck on. "I'm not cheating on you! I'm not into you, Elixir! Not anymore."

But she barely listened to him, her rant went on. "I knew I shouldn't have listened. I was right all along that you and I are better as friends."

"Listen to who?"


"You said I shouldn't have listened. Who shouldn't you have listened to?"

"Eliot! She is the one who told me that you like me! She put it in my head."

He pulled back enough to really interpret what was going on. "So you are saying Eliot put the thought of me liking you in your head and that's why you up and came on to me. It wasn't your own decision? Is that what you are saying?"

"Of course! I wasn't into you. I just did it because you were there and all lovely gooey for me and I thought why waste it?"

He went unnaturally still.

Octavius usually wasn't the violent kind but for some reason, the terrible feeling to throttle this person who posed as a friend in front of him was undeniable.

He needed to get out of here. He walked past her only to realize his tee and keys were upstairs. His eyes widened in realization when he remembered Eliot.

He moved back, trudging to the kitchen when he saw his belongings already folded with the silver keys placed carefully on top of it.

He knew then. She had seen and probably heard everything.

Historically, he wasn't the best at dealing with conflict. He tried to stay out of it. It wasn't his game. Yet somehow he managed to get involved into soap drama highlight of the season.

He wanted to make things right with Eliot but he was pissed with her as well. He didn't know why. He just was.

He needed to cool off.

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