thirty three.

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Welcome to the first out of five chapters you guys won! Thank you all for the supportive comments <3 I truly don't deserve beautiful ANGELS !! ❤️❤️❤️

| Choi Sunhee |

"Jinnnn! He's getting smart."

We were all out getting ice cream. The boys were trying not to nag at each other as they sat still eating their ice creams.

"I cannot take these kids anywhere." Jin sighs as he licks his ice cream.

"Baby." Jimin stares at me. Me and Jaemi decided to stay the night over at the Bangtan house.

"Yes?" I answer. He licks his ice cream before continuing, the stare in his eyes made my heart jump.

"You wanna leave?" He whispers. Namjoon instantly heard as he frowns.

"Leave the poor girl alone." Namjoon replies to Jimin. Jimin rolls his eyes as he groans.

"You guys are all so childish." Jimin answers back. Taehyung scoffs.

"Says the one who plays with-" Taehyung got cut off by Jimin covering his mouth. He awkwardly laughs as Taehyung kicks him off.

It was almost dark as we departed from the ice cream store. The boys were all hyped now. Not sure why tho.

"Let's go get a bunch of food and have a movie marathon." Hoseok excitedly jumps in his spot as we walk back to the van.

"NO!" Jimin and jungkook exclaimed. We all stared at the two boys as they awkwardly chuckle.

"I mean. Can't we do that tomorrow?" Jungkook nervously scratches the back of his head.

"Alright fine." Namjoon sighs. "Oh and tonight we have to do-"

"Ehem. Yeah we have to do the dishes." Jin cuts him off. Me and Jaemi look back at Namjoon who was regretting whatever he said.

"Taehyung. Can you pass my bag?" Yoongi asks taehyung.

"No." Taehyung sharply replied. He folds his arms while looking outside.

"Are you that lazy?" Yoongi responds.

"Wow coming from Min Yoongi!" Jin rolls his eyes.

Jin has the last say as the van went silent. Everyone started going on their phones as I feel a hand landing on my thigh.

I could already tell who it was by the way he was slightly gripping onto my thigh. I looked up to see Jimin smirking.

He then yawns and leans his head on my shoulder, my heart jumps as he lets go of my thigh and intertwining his hand with mine.

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