forty two.

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Welcome back cuties <3 ugh I missed you all ! Thank you all for the nicest comments , I've seen some Karen's (according to people messaging me.) in my comments but I love it ! It's cute.


| Park Jimin |

"Let's go now."

Jin and Namjoon stared at me like a madman. I want to hurry up and find her, we've been getting our materials ready. But I couldn't wait. Namjoon keeps telling me it's too dark out.

"Jimin." Namjoon sighs.

"No I wanna go now!" I exclaimed. Namjoon looks at Jin, I couldn't believe them right now. "You don't know how it feels."

"Oh I do." Namjoon grits his teeth.

"Then fucking act like it!" I shout. Jin glares at me as Namjoon rubs his head.

"Namjoon. We've got our materials. What the fuck are we waiting for!" I scream. at this point I was so close to pulling my hair out.

"Sunhee is strong. She can survive." Namjoon sighs. He stands up as I grab his t shirt pulling him back from going.

"You I don't get it. She's scared right now." I cry. Namjoon wraps his arm around my shoulder as small tears fly down my cheeks.

"Fine. Let's go." Namjoon nods. My eyes brighten up as I quickly run up the stairs.

"Jungkook! Taehyung! Hoseok! Yoongi!" I called out. They all slowly escape their room as they tiredly look at me. "It's time."

"I just fucking woke up you small piece of sh-" Yoongi got interrupted by Jin yelling from downstairs.

"If I hear anyone cussing today, imma fuck you all up!" Jin screams. We all went quiet as I poke my middle fingers before running down the stairs.

Sunnys been gone for almost a week now. And I'm going to get her by the end of the week, I promise.

When we all got downstairs where our little lab is, Jungkook and Jaemi were sitting down on the chairs.

"So you're telling me, there's more to this fucking house?" Jaemi gasps. Jungkook nods as I get all the cars started.

"Hyungs. I'm going to go drop off Jaemi to my moms." Jungkook pulled Jaemi up putting her into the car.

"Once you drop her off. Go straight to the helicopter station." Namjoon exclaimed. Jungkook nods as he gets in driving off.

"Jimin. Pack extra guns. They have security." Namjoon chucks me a vest, I quickly put it on grabbing 2 pistols for my pocket.

"Alright let's go." Jin snaps. Me, Taehyung and Yoongi get in one car while the other three went in one car.

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