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She was eternally sad, frozen in time, dancing her ballet of death. The snow flurries fluttered around her, caressing the air as they followed her movements.

Far too thin, yet far too beautiful to let vanish forever from existence. Vale wasn't one to interfere with the whims of mortals. Their lives already so fleeting, that if they felt compelled to end it by their own hands, it was a decision they made themselves and not one he wanted to take away from them.

However, his heart clenched painfully in his chest as he thought about the sad girl dancing until she froze in the snow - the obvious endgame she desired. He too knows how art can have a wrathful impact on those who gaze upon it. His music is his blade and the paper his skin. Life, no matter how long it goes on, is hard to cope with.

Perhaps that is why Vale found himself stepping towards the girl without thought, reaching out to her through the violent snowfall that hid him away from her. He saw her though. He saw what laid beneath the surface - the exhaustion, the torment, the loneliness and sadness.

He saw her, coveted her, and desired to save the lonesome angel who weeped tears that froze in time on her pale cheeks. A world without her, he knew in that moment, was a grim world indeed. Without her, this world was not one worth living in.

This is the first time he's ever laid eyes on the grey haired beauty, and he'll be damned if it's his last. He feels it in his bones - that she's meant to be by their side where they can cherish her and protect her.

Her mortality is of no consequence and entirely fixable. It all became rather simple in his mind.

He didn't know what their future would entail after this moment. He didn't know if he was meant to be like a brother or a friend or a lover, but he did know he'd be whichever she needed so long as it meant her heart kept beating and the breath in her lungs unfroze.

Lyrics trickle into his mind as he walks towards her with purpose.
Angel frozen in the snow,
Hear my call,
Come to me.
In my arms is where you belong.
I'll guard your life,
Protect your soul.
In my arms I'll keep you whole...


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