A Bad Day at School

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Tokoyami's POV:

I walk into the classroom to see all of the other students in their seats, I quickly walk to my desk. luckily Mr. Aizawa hasn't showed up yet, so I must not be too late. About two minutes later our teacher, grumpy and tired as usual, walks into the classroom. "Students, I hope you all studied for the test today." He says as he starts handing out papers. I look around the room, nobody seems very surprised by the fact that we have a test, not even Kaminari. I look down at the test, confused. I don't remember anyone mentioning anything about any tests, but it could have been when I was sick. No, I still went to school that day, I hate missing classes. Anyway, i should know everything that's on this test by now, I pay attention in class. W-what? This isn't just a regular old test about math or anything, this is a test on all of the pro heroes! I don't know much about any of these heroes, except for Hawks, and there are over 30 different pros mentioned on this test!

-After school-

"Hey Shoji, I had a really bad day, do you think I could come over to your dorm room later?" I ask, talking to my friend on the phone. Luckily, he says sure, so thirty minutes later I head over. I try my best to hold in my tears as I open his door, but everything comes flooding out. I see shoji sitting on his bed, he looks up at me. I immediately run towards him, sobbing. He looks surprised as I collapse into his arms, I try to tell him everything that happened, however nothing but mumbles came out of my mouth.

Shoji's POV:

After classes were finished, I got a call from tokoyami. "Hey Tokoyami, what do you need?" I ask.
"S-shoji I had a really bad day today, would it be alright if I c-came to your dorm after a while?"
"Hey, it's alright and you don't really need to ask me. You're welcome over here anytime you need!" He hangs up the phone and I rush to get to my room. As I open the door, I realize how much cleaning I need to do. Last night, I was studying so hard for the test that I completely forgot to clean my room, but I should have enough time before Tokoyami gets here. I finish cleaning my room and change out if my school uniform Just in time to hear a knock on my door followed by said door slamming open. I didn't even have time to think, or react, before Tokoyami sprinted into my room and collapsed into my arms, sobbing. I couldn't make out anything he was saying, he was mumbling.

Writer's POV:

S: "Hey, It's okay, tell me what's wrong."
T: "W-well I didn't know we were having a test and I'm pretty sure I only got ten questions right. Dark shadow was going nuts for some reason but I tried not to let him escape, he ended up getting out and distributing the entire class, I just feel so bad! On top of that, last night I couldn't sleep so I kept drifting off in class, and I couldn't get my feathers to stick up properly."
S: "Oh, well I didn't do so well on the test either, and I didn't even realize dark shadow was there, If anyone else did, I know they just ignored him. I didn't hear any complaining and I was listening with all of my duplicated ears, I didn't hear anything at all. Also, I think your feathers look amazing today."
T: *smiling* "Thank you, that really makes me feel a lot better."

Tokoyami's POV:

I explain everything, shoji comforts me and wraps me up in his arms. I love when he does that, it's like my own little cave. I end up falling asleep and we both wake up in the morning.

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