Chapter nine

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I woke up the next day to my phone ringing. I picked it up and seen Beau's name on the screen. I answered.

S: hello?

Beau: hey!

He said loudly.

S: hi

Beau: you up?

S: I am now. Why?

Beau: cause, come to room 425

S: uhh. K?

Beau: kk bye.

S: bye.

I said and hung up. I got up and hit the shower. Ten minutes later I got out and got dressed in pink shorts, a white tank top, and grey vans. I dried my hair and straightened it. I put it up in a ponytail. I grabbed my phone and the key and left. I walked to the elevator and texted beau

S: on the elevator

Beau: k sluuut.


I rolled my eyes and got off the elevator.

S: outside.

Beau: walk in.

I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

Beau: you really like her don't you?

I paused behind the wall.

Luke: dude, you have no idea. When we kissed it was like, fireworks shot off. It's corny but its true. I feel like I've known her my whole life. She's so beautiful. I go to sleep at night thinking about her. I can't ever forgive skip for what he did to her. I don't have respect for him anymore. When she cried in my arms I wanted to tell her right there that I was in love with her but, I don't know.

Beau: dude, just tell her.

Luke: what if she doesn't feel the same?

I do.

Beau: maybe she does.

I so had feelings for Luke. He's so sweet and so funny and adorable. I could go on and on but, I don't have time. They stopped there conversation about me and I walked in. Beau looked up and smiled. I smiled back.

S: what are you girls up to?

I asked playfully. They laughed.

Luke: we were about to go play football. Wanna come?

S: duh! I'm gonna kick your buts!

Beau: yeah. Okay.

I laughed. We left the hotel and went to the nearest park. We got to the park and started playing. About an hour after playing, we got tired and out of breath. We headed back to the hotel. On the way back we got ice cream. We got back to the hotel and went to our rooms. I got in the room and collapsed on the bed. The girls looked at me.

S: what?

Caitlin: your all sweaty.

Lexie: what did you just do?

She winked. I rolled my eyes.

S: played soccer with Beau and Luke.

Lexie: oo.

I laughed.

S: uhm. I walked in on a conversation I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to hear earlier.

Caitlin: between who!?

S: Luke and Beau.

Lexie: what'd he say?!

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