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- Soomin, what the fuck? 

I heard his voice as my eyes widen in fear. My heart beating uncontrollably if he saw what just happened just now then he is gonna kill me. Gulping hard I turned around to see him he was standing there a packet in his hand and his mouth wide open

- L-listen i-i c-can explain

I said as he shaked his head

- You are in a relationship and how dare you not say to me? ME? The Kim Seokjin.

He yelled as I bit my lip in embarrassment


We were sitting in my apartment he was sitting across the table his legs folded as my head was down. I changed my clothes in a grey hoodie and a grey track.

- Spill.

He said as I said everything to him. He was my best friend since I can remember he was 3 years older than me. My neighbor back then and now too. He has helped me in every way possible. He was working as a model in an agency he earns pretty well but refuses to leave the small apartment beside mine.

- what the actual fuck

He said as I nodded taking a beer can and opening it taking a sip. He exhaled

-That midget mother eater how dare he does that to you? But then again, I can feel him I think. He is confused and well confused, do not think about it so much and just let it be. Let him sort his feeling first and then come to you because Soomin, your life had no romance since ages and it's as dry as your pussy so please don't fuck it up.

He explained as I bit on my fried chicken and took a sip from the soju and looked at him.

- But Jin, what if he really is interested in me? What should I do?

You asked as he looked at you and sighed folding his legs.

- Instead of thinking about his feelings so much why don't you start thinking about yours?

He asked as you were taken aback by his comment. You gulped the drink and licked your lips, his words hit you like a cold bucket of water.

- Soomin, you have to start thinking about yourself now. Everything is going good in your family and they all are happy, it's time for you to allow yourself to be happy too. If you like him then fuck it you do and if you don't then you don't. If you think about the results so much the process would feel more burdensome.

SeokJin advised as you looked at him and almost felt like crying. SeokJin has always been your safe place and the person you were the most vulnerable with, he always gave the best advice and knew what needed to be said.

- So tell me, do you like him?

- I- I don't know honestly. I mean there is some type of tension between us that is for sure but I do not think it is anything as serious as likeness and shit.

You explained taking another sip from your drink as he nodded in content.

- Good, do not let it be anything serious. As I said, let him sort his feelings first. You are not a rehabilitation center for people for God's sake.

He rolled his eyes as he was referring to your first relationship amd you felt a shudder thinking about your ex. You shook your head and stretched your arms.

- Get out I have to work tomorrow

- You are going tomorrow? You are sick.

He asked in horror as I leaned in smiling sweetly

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