Twenty Eight

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I was beyond shocked. One minute when I saw her she was laughing and enjoying her time and the other minute when I look at her she was having a panic attack. I quickly ran to her and held her. Her body was shaking violently when her friend Seokjin came and wrapped her in a blanket and took her away.

And since then I was waiting, we called the doctor and he said it was just a panic attack. The moment I heard she was conscious I ran to meet her. But just before I was going to open the door I heard her yelling.


He? Who is he? Who is she talking about? Is that me?

- I don't want to hear anything Soomin. I said what I said, that incident happened 6 years ago. Move on from that.

Her mom said. Woah no offense but I feel like her mom is a bitch.

-Are you serious? Mom you know what that man did to me. How much damage he caused us and you're still inviting him to your daughter's wedding.

She said, her voice was filled with so much pain I just wanted to hug her. Wait- what?

The rest of their conversation wasn't so clear. I was feeling guilty because I was eavesdropping on someone. I paced around trying to control my anger. Who the fuck is he? What did he try to do with her?

I opened the door as they all looked at me. I saw her sitting on the bed her cheeks stained with her tears as I let out a sigh.

- I am sorry, you guys carry on.

I said getting out closing the door. Will she say anything if I ask her? I have to ask her and she must answer me.


I don't know how long I've been sitting on this bed crying and again staring at the wall. I wiped my tears as I thought to text jeongyeon. She was always there for me back then and now also.

"Hey, you up?"

I send her as I sighed. And just then my phone rang I looked at it.

Incoming call: Yoo 🤪.

- hello?

She said and I burst into tears again. She soothed me and for a good 10 minutes I calmed down.

- okay so you are saying that scoundrel is back? Now listen to me well Soomin-ah, you don't care about him okay? Whatever he does now is none of your concern show him who is the boss YOU ARE THE BOSS! Like bitch are you serious? You are amazing beautiful talented and in a way better position than him. So don't ever feel like you're not worthy just because of that rascal okay? And also don't let him manipulate you again that bitch is not worthy of your single tear.

She said hyping me up as I let out a chuckle wiping my tears I nodded.

- You are right. I am the boss and I am a queen I won't let him play with me again and I won't let him get me down. Thank you so much J, I love you.

I thanked her and after some more chatting we ended the call. I got up and I looked at the time and it said 8 pm. I took my bathrobe as I went to have a bath. The warm water touched my skin as I felt relaxed. My tensed muscles were relieved, it felt so good that I wanted to stay here forever away from the world and any type of human interactions.

After some time, I blow dried my hair and wrapped a bathrobe around my body as I got out of the bathroom. As soon as I got out I screamed because of whom I saw.

Mr. Park.

Mr. Park was sitting there on the sofa with a tray full of food in front of him, because of my scream he flinched and looked at me and as soon as his eyes fell on me and he realised what attire I was in, his eyes widened. I could see his ears turning red as I had my hand around my collar gripping it tight.

- I- uh what are you doing here? Wait-wait how did you get in here?

I asked as he got up looking at me from my head to toe he smirked, he regained his posture way too quickly as the arrogant sexy charming Mr. Park was back.

- Isn't this the second time I saw you like that?

He asked, a smirk on his luscious lips was visible and I felt hotness creeping my neck.

- yah pervert!

I yelled at him as he chuckled.

- Don't you think it's wrong to call your boss a pervert?

He wondered tilting his head on his left side as he came closer to me.

- Well, you were the one who said we are not in a professional relationship here. You said to be casual.

I stated defending myself as he smiled innocently and came more closer to me as I was stepping back until I felt the wardrobe door touch my back. He kept a hand beside my head as I flinched.

- yes I was the one who said we should not have a professional relationship here but a casual.

- y-you are acting w-weird

I whispered and I wanted to cut my tongue for stuttering he smirked as his head coming closer to mine as I widen my eyes.

- is it weirder that I want to kiss you right now?

He asked as I gasped slowly, his words registering in my mind as I gulped hard and my eyes widening by passing second as I looked at him.

- Is it weirder that I want to kiss you right now, Soomin?


Hey lovelies!!

How are you?

What do you think? What will happen now? Will Soomin tell Jimin about yoongi?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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